Agenda and draft minutes

Southport Town Deal Board - Thursday 9th June, 2022 3.00 pm

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Clare Wright 

No. Item




Apologies were received from:

·       Rt Hon Damien Moore MP

·       Marion Atkinson

·       I Raikes



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting


The minutes of the prior meeting had been agreed previously.



Project Updates


Project Updates


Stephen Watson gave a summary of each of the projects and confirmed that the Business Cases for Enterprise Arcade, Building Better Customer Service and Les Transformations de Southport were submitted at the end of March 2022. No queries to date, awaiting approval.


Enterprise Arcade. The operator procurement is under way with the results of the tender evaluation due to be announced shortly. RIBA Stage 3 work is on programme. Officers can facilitate a walkabout on the site for members if required.


Building Better Customer Service. Revenue Project no action yet.

Will be able to progress once Business case approved.


Public Realm works (Les Transformation de Southport) The outcomes of the phase 1 consultation were presented at the last update meeting. Business engagement for works along Kind Street, Market Street, Eastbank and Chapel Street is ongoing with initial responses incredibly positive. Transport route queries to the Authority by virtue of promotion of these works will be addressed separately.


Questions/Comments from the Board:


Q Members queried if there are any foreseen issues with the business cases

A HJ confirmed that we are awaiting feedback and will work with the own Deal for approval, responses expected over the summer.



MLEC & the Light Fantastic update


Marine Lake Events Centre and Light Fantastic Business Case


Mark Catherall presented a summary of the proposed Business Case for the Marine Lake Events Centre (MLEC) and the Light Fantastic. Work has progressed to ensure programme dates can be met whilst the Business Case is still being finalised. Report due to go to cabinet on 23rd June, where high level summary will be presented to protect the integrity of the council processes. This is due to the commercial sensitivity and competitive procurement processes still in progress.


The consultation process is underway with the online forums closing tomorrow (10th June 2022). The drop-in sessions at the beginning of the month were well attended with over 300 direct conversations. Turley's have captured the feedback and will combine all the findings when finalising the Business Case and Planning application. Most responses to date have been positive especially from local businesses and residents. Main comments / queries include wanting to ensure the promenade has a high-quality elevation and wanting details about construction. Residents referred to the disruption caused by previous developments in the area. The team have also been in contact with the Yacht club and confirmed they can continue to sail, follow up meetings have been set up.


Mark Catherall went on to summarise each of the sections within the Business Case.


Strategic case. The Southport Theatre and Convention Centre (STCC) is no longer fit for purpose. Even before the pandemic, bookings were lost to rival locations due to deterioration of the buildings, technical shortcomings, and operational issues.


Economic case. The facilities will attract 0.5million visitors annually equating to £18m local investment from tourism. It is envisaged that 101 full / part time jobs would be created along with 188 off site jobs.


Financial Case. Project costs are currently estimated in the region of £73m and includes an 8.1% contingency (5.1% for Inflation to mid-point 2024 and 4% for project unknowns).


Commercial Case. Proposed Design and Build procurement of the facilities and then transfer to long term operator to operate on behalf of the Authority. Reviewing other examples such as Leeds, Hull, and Swansea. The Authority has the support of over 40 specialist consultants to develop the plans. This is utilising the 5% pre-payment and means the project can be progressed rather than wait until after the Business Case approval is in place.


Management case. Following the delivery framework and grant programme.




The following dates are the milestone dates that the project team are working to:

Cabinet Report

23rd June 2022

Planning Submission

27th June 2022

Business Case submission

4th July 2022

Start on site

Early 2023

Construction completes

December 2025

Venue open

March 2026


Submission of the business case is on track, c.800-page document. It was agreed to provide members with a copy of the summary business case prior to submission.




Q. PH felt it was important to see the detail and be aware of any dramatic changes to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Programme Update


Programme Update – Monitoring and Evaluation Report and Risk Assessment


Heather Jago summarised the Monitoring and Evaluation Template that was circulated prior to the meeting. This will form the basis of the submission due at the end of the week (10th June 2022). The Template is cell protected and auto populates the project specific cells.


The first worksheets are key contact details, project overview and programme information. We are awaiting approval of the Business Case summaries therefore the project status noted is ‘not yet started,’ as such we do not need to complete some of the project detail at this stage. The project outcomes are pulled through from the business cases. The risk register highlights the top three considered risks from each of the detailed project specific risk assessments. The last section is sign off from the Section 151 officer and agreement that the board have had oversight of the submission. The detail inputted at this stage will help streamline the future reporting.


No comments received; the board approved submission by the required deadline.



Future Board role discussion


Future Board Role


The Chair confirmed that the Terms of Reference no longer suit the role of the Board moving forward. They dealt with preparation of the TIP document which is no longer applicable for the forthcoming delivery phases. Stephen Watson prepared and circulated a summary paper prior to the meeting. The Town Deal guidance provides information on monitoring and reporting and clear templates for reporting but do not extend to the board involvement. The role of the board needs to be reviewed and agreed.


Feedback from consultants is that the Authority are the accountable body for delivery and the board do not get involved with the day-to-day management and has no legal standing.


The Terms of reference are to be reviewed and amended to oversee the delivery phase with view to have an oversight of strategies and champion projects. The board may take on more of a horizon scanning role, the direction is to be part of the discussion.


Q. PH commented that he is comfortable with a public oversight role and wondered if the board had more of a role to oversee the wider masterplan, he gave an example of the other projects that were not progressed as part of the Town Deal and future phases of these projects e.g., Les Transformation de Southport Phases 2,3 & 4.

A. SW confirmed that he does not envisage the consultation at this level changing, there is a role for supporting schemes and keeping the existing two-way conversation going, building on those conversations and relationships.


Q. SB there is a desire for collaboration as there are no other forums that bring together the public body, community, businesses, and residents

A. RA and SW confirmed that this can be looked at and how it fits into the legal structure moving forward.


SW asked for ideas and feedback before the next meeting.


Frequency of meetings


SW confirmed that he is conscious of the time commitment and pressures on members and suggested a quarterly meeting with a written monthly update in-between. RA confirmed that membership and terms will be reviewed, members will need to be reappointed. It was agreed that this was a sensible approach.






No AOB raised.


Date of Next Meeting


Future dates to be confirmed.