Contact: Clare Wright
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from: Rob Fletcher (the meeting was chaired by AB in the chairs’ absence). Michelle Brabner The following officers also sent their apologies for the meeting: Stuart Barnes, Mark Catherall, Keith Molloy, Claire Maguire, and Andy Dunsmore. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: No comments or amendments received. The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting held on 20th March 2023. |
Governance Minutes: LCR CA has nominated Sean Joughin (SJ) as their representative on the Town Deal Board.
SJ introduced himself as an Investment Analyst at the Combined Authority. He is currently working on place-based regeneration and innovation projects across the region, having been involved in the MLEC funding, is familiar with the project and funding route. Prior to joining the CA, he worked in the housing sector.
Decision: It was agreed that Sean Joughin will be invited to join Southport Town Deal Board, representing the Combined Authority.
Action: CW to collate the welcome pack responses for the new members. |
Monitoring & Evaluation Minutes: HJ confirmed that as part of the annual assurance and performance management for Town Deal Sefton Council as Accountable Body are required to submit 6-monthly monitoring and evaluation returns to DLUHC. This is in addition to the annual assurance process on governance, transparency and management of Town Deal funding. Details are provided in the Levelling Up Funds Local Authority Assurance Framework Guidance that apply to the Towns Deal projects as well as Levelling Up funded projects. Key themes such as procurement, conflict of interest, subsidy control, counter fraud and risk management are all monitored.
Sefton Council, as the accountable body are required to submit bi-annual Monitoring and Evaluation returns. This provides an update on the overall programme performance, funding profiles, milestones, project outputs and outcomes and key risks. In terms of Governance and transparency we are sharing the draft M&E plan with board members in good time of the submission due early next month.
June return CW provided an overview of the completed draft return. The M&E return template remains largely unchanged from the last submission in December. Working through each tab, Board members were given the opportunity to comment and raise queries on the draft response. Most of the workbook uses a RAG rated scoring to ensure all parts are completed.
1. Reporting Period. This return is for the period 1 October 2022 to 31st March 2023. 2. Project Admin. Up to date key personnel and project data inputted. 3. Programme Progress. Cells in the worksheet are protected so we are unable to reformat the cells to wrap text or alter the sizing to view all the text in this window. We have provided a programme wide progress summary in Section A and more detailed Project progress summary for each of the projects in Section B. New cells in this section refer to the PAR status. New guidance has been issued and PARs are only required if the expenditure totals and/or outputs vary. As our projects are on track or reprofiled to take account of programme changes, they do not require a PAR. 4a. Funding Profiles. Section B1 data is in line with previous submissions, detailing the CDEL prepayment, Capacity Funding and Accelerated Funding. Section C is slightly different to previous reporting templates as the CDEL payment is now excluded from the project CDEL amounts. Comments have been provided in the relevant sections. As MLEC received Business Case approval in December, we are now required to complete all this worksheet including Other Funding Sources. 4b. Public Sector Investment (PSI). This is a new tab, which autocompletes from the previous 4a tab. Here we would list any Private Sector Investment Requirements and amount of which has been secured if applicable. 5. Project Outputs. The proposed project outputs have been inputted as forecast figures for each of the projects. 6. Outcomes There are no specific outcomes included in the separate project agreements to record. 7. Risk Registers The top 3 risks at programme level and for each project ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Project Updates Minutes: On behalf of the project delivery teams, SW confirmed that work continues on each of the Town Deal projects.
MLEC. The vital milestone of obtaining Planning Approval was achieved at the end of April. The project is still on programme to achieve commencement of the demolition works in the summer, subject to discharging the necessary planning conditions. Part of the planning committee discussions focussed on the impact of the construction process. The Contractor and delivery team are developing the management plan to ensure stakeholders are involved through regular consultation and community engagement. Details of the engagement and social value activities were summarised in the last meeting. The contractor will lead on the delivery phase plan.
Les Transformations. Works are programmed to commence after the busy summer period to lessen the impact on local businesses. Copies of the detailed design will be circulated to the Board and wider consultation for full visibility prior to commencement of the works.
Enterprise Arcade. A Cabinet report is being prepared to update members on progress of the contractor procurement and approval of funding for the enabling works. Work is ongoing with the project team continuing to progress the delivery and operator models options.
Building Better Customer Experience. Southport College are leading on the delivery of the training programme. They have faced delays due to challenges with recruitment, but issue now addressed. The first course for 40 learners commenced this week.
Equality and diversity remain a key cross cutting theme across all aspects of project delivery. We are also working with SAFE (Southport Access For Everyone) group who are keen to work with the Council and promote inclusion for all.
PH queried if moving the Les Transformations programme dates to Autumn compress delivery. SW confirmed that the aim is to avoid the busy summer and Christmas tourism periods. Programme information can be provided as part of the detailed design update for Les Transformations. The aim will be not to impact on the summer periods, this year or next.
AB questioned whether the opportunity of the former coop building along Eastbank Street coming back on the market had been considered. SW confirmed this site formed part of the wider Enterprise Store aspirations in the Town Investment Plan. The Council do not have the resources to acquire the site and redevelop but given the completed and planned works in the vicinity (the market, public realm improvements, the Coronation pub, etc) will make it an attractive commercial proposition for private investment.
DT made enquiries as to whether local businesses will receive updates on key milestones for MLEC. Discussion took place on a comms plan for Town Deal Projects to keep businesses, residents and stakeholders in the wider area informed of forthcoming milestones. A variety of engagement tools will be utilised including social media. Board members wanted the comms plan to be clear on timescales. MA highlighted that the Council have delivered what they have said they would do to date, and the focus is to ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
AOB Minutes: Southport Pier – given previous queries from board members, SW confirmed survey work was ongoing and that an update would be provided to the Board when complete. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The dates of the next meetings have been scheduled as follows: 12th September, 08:30am 12th December, 08:30am |