Agenda and draft minutes

Southport Town Deal Board - Tuesday 12th December, 2023 8.30 am

Contact: Clare Wright 

No. Item





Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting


No comments or amendments received. The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting held on 12th September 2023.



Matters Arising


The outstanding matters arising are covered under the main agenda items.



Governance and Membership Matters




Monitoring & Evaluation


The draft Monitoring and Evaluation forms were circulated to Board Members for comment and review prior to submission. The completed forms were returned to DLUHC by the tender return deadline of 4th December.


HJ provided an overview of the reporting template and data provided. The return was for the reporting period April 2023 to September 2023. The forms were signed by Sefton’s S151 Officer and RF on behalf of the Town Deal Board, and submitted using the updated submission process.


RF queried the timescales to receive feedback. HJ confirmed that the Monitoring and evaluation process is throughout the year and the financial profiles included in the return trigger the payment amounts. If significant changes are profiled, projects can be selected for a deep dive audit as part of the DLUCH assurance framework.


DT queried the priority rating of the risks identified in the risk registers and the common themes included. HJ confirmed that the top 3 risks at programme level and each project are included in the return but are taken from the more detailed project risk registers.  Key themes include delivery challenges and cost inflation. 


SW also confirmed that that the project risk registers feed into the council’s corporate reporting structure and the council, as the accountable body, publish the corporate risk register regularly.



Project Updates


Project Updates


Les Transformations de Southport


AD reaffirmed the project objectives for Les Transformations de Southport. This project looks at increasing interconnectivity across Southport town centre and the waterfront, from improved pedestrian and cycling routes, to the creation of new public spaces.


As part of the business case development key routes were identified and improvements highlighted that could be made to make a big difference across the town.


Phase one identified existing areas of investment and looks at linking key areas of the town centre. The investment includes the Market, King Street and portions of Eastbank Street and Chapel St with the aim being to change the appearance, making it more attractive to visit and easier to navigate. The works look at the highway network and the potential changes required to achieve this.


Consultation took place with the local businesses and wider area around the projects with Road Traffic Orders and approvals from the licencing and regulatory committee being obtained. WSP, as the framework provider, has now started the detailed design and the team have commissioned a landscaping report to look at the materials used.


Early contractor involvement with Balfour Beatty has been undertaken with the feasibility work now underway. The detailed design is being progressed with more feedback on the detailed design and programme associated with it expected early 2024.


Changes to the traffic movements in the areas affected include a section of 20 mph, one way traffic along King Street and partly pedestrianising Market Street. Key stakeholder groups such as Southport Access for Everyone (SAFE) have been involved but further engagement will take place once the detailed design is complete with a wide range of stakeholders.  Revised artistic impressions have been produced based on the current proposals of Market Street which will be used for further engagement activities.


The key challenges and next steps moving forward will be fully explored once the Contractor’s feasibility work is complete. Understanding the contractors programme, is key to minimising disruption and commencing on site as soon as possible. There are increased cost pressures, but this will be reviewed in line with the design development. The team are keen to place long lead orders to enable the start in 2024 and minimise disruption, as such some preliminary works will be undertaken before the start of the main works. Future phases are also in progress, subject to funding, and some imagery produced based on the analysis carried out to date.


RF made enquiries on the timings of works and how business would be affected. AD confirmed that the detailed programme is to be finalised but access will be maintained throughout the work, and aim remains to minimise impact on businesses during peak periods.


DM asked for data based on the number of businesses consulted and the response rates. AD confirmed that a consultation report has been produced and will confirm the actual figures after the meeting.


DM also queried landscaping proposals and the plans in place for ongoing maintenance.  AD confirmed that a landscaping  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.






CW requested assistance from Board members to contribute to the promotional material for the launch of the additional Building Better Customer Services modules and wider Town Deal Programme activities in the new year. CW to circulate details.


CW confirmed that the previous Town Deal webpages had been updated but were not consistent. Therefore taking on board previous comments raised and to ensure up to date and consistent messaging is used a new microsite has been developed, the landing page can be found here - Southport Town Deal ( This now provides links to the Mod.Gov pages and Southport Futures sites. Each project also has its own page where links to recent news stories and project details will be uploaded as the projects progress.


CW confirmed that the majority of upgrade work was completed in November so some pages would have been unavailable in recent weeks. Some links to the old website will no longer work and confidential or restricted papers will still only be visible to attendees rather than the publicly accessible sections of Mod.Gov.


CW also confirmed that whilst some areas of the project pages are under construction, Sefton are exploring temporary messaging to show work is in progress rather than land back on the home page.





Social Value


In addition to the discussion under agenda item 6, DT asked if there were other opportunities or collaboration and linking with local businesses. DT to make introduction to the CSR Manager at Fletchers for Council.




MA reaffirmed that Board members role in promoting and sharing information about the Town Deal projects.


Date of Next Meeting




It is proposed that the meetings in 2024 will be arranged quarterly and combine virtual and meetings in person. This will allow site visits to take place.


ACTION. CW to circulate calendar of meetings for 2024.


Meeting closed: 09:56