Contact: Clare Wright
No. | Item | |||
Apologies Minutes: No apologies were received from Board Members.
The following officers sent their apologies for the meeting: Stuart Barnes, Heather Jago, Keith Molloy, Claire Maguire, and Andy Dunsmore.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: No comments or amendments received. The minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting held on 10th May 2023.
Matters Arising Minutes: The outstanding matters arising are covered under the main agenda items. |
Governance and Membership Matters Minutes: Governance
Membership Matters
No changes in membership since the last meeting. Website in the process of being updated with biographies of recently appointment members.
Action: CW to chase website updates on the membership pages.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The Monitoring and Evaluation forms were completed and returned by the DLUHC deadline of 9th June. A couple of adjustments were made to the template prior to submission and circulated to RF for information. The next cycle of monitoring will be due in December.
RF queried the timescales for this. CW confirmed the templates are usually circulated November with the deadline for submission early December. CW also confirmed DLUCH may be moving to an online reporting system, but no details have been provided yet.
Updated Processes
DLUCH have issued policy and process updates in recent months, in summary:
· The Assurance Framework update was issued in June 2023 · Project Adjustment Request Process updated in April and, · Branding update in August 2023
The main changes aim to streamline processes and include the Levelling up funded projects.
Towns Fund Conference
CW provided an overview of the Towns Fund Conference that look place in Manchester on 20th June 2023.
DLUHC opened the event with an overview of the Towns Fund programme so far, followed by case studies from partners and breakout sessions covering a range of topics.
The strategic regeneration case studies presented had varying themes. Blackpool from a wider regeneration and investment opportunities perspective, Hartlepool from a place making perspective, Sandwell in the West Midlands around economic regeneration and Swindon around their infrastructure.
The presentations also included lessons learned from Town Deal Boards with Glastonbury and Morley near Leeds showcasing their projects. They adopted very different approaches but both with the local priorities and community-based focus.
The breakout sessions gave attendees the opportunity to share lessons learned more informally covering topics which included Design, Project Management, Funding, Market Movements, Branding and CPO.
Project Updates Minutes:
Communications Minutes: Communications
SW confirmed that the social value work is ongoing across the programme. The council, as the accountable body, will provide interim updates.
The Council can provide FAQ style documentation for key project updates and assist Board members when engaging in the local community.
Agreed that Board Members will be provided with updates on projects for incorporation into existing comms and engagement by their organisations (e.g., schools newsletters).
Action. “Cheat sheets” to be provided comprising interim updates for Board Members on project progress, for Board Member use for own visibility and for internal and external communications by their organisations.
AOB Minutes: Southport Pier – PH recognised that although the Town Deal does not include wider regeneration projects such as the Pier, the proximity does have an impact. SW confirmed public updates will be provided at the earliest opportunity. He reaffirmed the Councils commitment to source the capital funding to make safe and a long-term revenue for future upkeep.
In relation to the discussion around communications RA queried if the website information was up to date.
Action: CW to review website information and update.
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on 12th December 2023. Minutes: The next meeting will take place via Teams on 12th December 2023, 08:30am. |