Agenda and draft minutes

Southport Town Deal Board - Tuesday 13th April, 2021 3.30 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Rebecca Johnstone 

No. Item




Apologies were received from:

·         Greta Fenney

·         Kim Cooper

·         Robert Agsteribbe

·         Sophie Bevan

·         Marion Atkinson

·         Mark Basnett

·         Alex Hatchman

·         Damien Moore

·         Norman Wallis (Mari Lewis present as representative)

·         David Head



Declarations of Interest


Declarations of interest were received from:

·         James Brayshaw – interest in digital and creative space opportunities 

·         Mark Lawler – interest in creative and digital opportunities

·         Rob Anderson – interested in work in the future/working alongside NW


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 141 KB


Status Update and Project Prioritisation discussion


SW updated:


Projects progressing as planned:

·         Customer experience

·         Enterprise Arcade

·         Events Centre

·         Light Fantastic

·         Les Transformation de Southport


Project Barnum

·         URL is making progress on planning application, design work and engagement with investors and partners

·         SW explained that NW has proposed to reallocate the allocated funding to other projects, advising that the impact of the £2.5m would be greater if diverted to other projects, including the public realm

·         The Barnum project will still progress but will benefit from the adjacent  Town Deal projects taking place

·         Propose to revise allocated funding to Marine Lake Events Centre (£0.5m – new total £30m) and Public Realm (£2m – new total £2.5m)


Comments from the Board:

·         Mari Lewis advised the board that NW has indicated that the decision was not taken lightly, but it is very clear that increased investment in the public realm project will bring more benefit to the town as a whole.

·         Discussion that there is still a gap in the full funding needed to complete the whole ambitious public realm project – the council will continue to work with the Combined Authority to secure further funding, and to explore other avenues (e.g. business/ organisations contributions)

·         Feedback that this will be welcomed by the BID levy payers -  good opportunity to further engage those large businesses

·         The scheme based on £2.5m is being worked on by officers and there a number of areas of focus - further updates to follow.


All agreed on the reallocated of the funding to Events centre and Public Realm. This has been discussed, or will be discussed, with Board Members who have given apologies – all in agreement.



Communications, Engagement and Confidentiality


SW noted:

·         10th May HoT will be agreed – DJ (Sefton CEO) and Rob Fletcher (Board Chair) as signatories

·         There will be no external comms until HoTs agreed. Would be premature to do otherwise. Board meeting minutes to be published at that time as well.

·         All Members to treat these proposed allocations and projects as confidential


Thanks to the chair and the Board for making the meeting at short notice.



Next Steps


Covered above.




None raised.


Date of Next Meeting


TBC – June 2021