To fulfill all the functions of
an Overview and Scrutiny Committee as they relate to Regeneration
and Environment Services and to review and make recommendations for
improvement in relation to the following functions:
arts and culture, libraries and leisure;
Coastal Protection, Capita Symonds Client, Highways
Maintenance, Network Management, strategic transportation, Local
Transport Plan
Investment Strategy and Programmes, Strategic
Housing, homelessness, housing grants, housing
Development Management, Building Control, Strategic
Planning, Regulatory Support, conservation and MEAS
Trading Standards, Licensing and Regulation, Public
Health, Pest Control, Environmental Enforcement, Food Safety,
Pollution / contaminated land, Health and Safety, Sustainability,
air quality / climate change, Corporate Energy, Affordable
Tourism Projects and Programmes, tourism marketing,
events, Environmental and Economic Development Projects and
Programmes, business support service, Invest Sefton, Sefton@Work, ,
employer liaison, environmental regeneration;
Specialist Transportation, Security, Vehicle
Maintenance, School Crossings; and
Waste disposal, street cleaning, recycling, and
building cleaning.
Further details on the role and responsibilities of the
Committee are set out in Chapter 6 of the Council’s