Further to Minute No 47 of the meeting held on 12 November 2009, Sergeant Nelson outlined the crime statistics for the Sefton East Parishes area from 12 November 2009 to 21 January 2010. The following is a summary of her assessment:
Burglary.It was reported that there had been 39 reported incidents, – 16 in Maghull; 13 in Melling; 7 in Aintree; and 3 in Lydiate; that this was an issue shared with neighbouring authorities in Litherland, Netherton, Bootle, Crosby and Lancashire; that due to a rise in burglaries in other areas police had been diverted to other areas, but due to a rise in the Sefton East Parishes Area of late, Police were being redeployed in the area, mobilising drones (remote controlled thermal imaging equipment), and working with the CCTV Unit at Sefton Council. 14 out of the 39 incidents reported were unsecured premises, some incidents were attempted but unsuccessful forced entries, and Police continue ‘Operation Handle’ in order to tackle the issue of unsecured premises. 8 arrests had been made in connection with 4 burglaries, and given the modus operandi of some burglaries police were tracking one male from the north part of Liverpool who may be operating in the Sefton East Area.
Thefts from a motor vehicle. In total, 40 incidents had been reported – 12 in Maghull; 13 in Melling; 14 in Aintree and 1 in Lydiate. 10 of the 40 incidents where due to a single incident, in which opportunist offenders smashed windows and stole valuable items which were on display, and Police were continuing their investigation into this incident. Sergeant Nelson reported that a number of registrations plates had also be stolen during the period (15 in total), and one had been identified as being used in a robbery in Bootle; that grub screws were available free of charge from the Police which acted as a deterrent to thieves; and that whilst it was not a requirement to inform Police of a stolen licence plate, reporting such incidents could prevent other crimes such as drive offs from petrol stations and use of licence plates in robberies. Two arrests had been made in connection with thefts from motor vehicles and were awaiting court hearings.
Robbery. Only one reported incident at the Post Office in Waddicarr Lane, although this was the third incident in recent months. Police were working with the owners to minimise the risk of robbery in future.
Anti-Social Behaviour. A number of incidents had been reported mainly due to the poor weather conditions and use of snowballs in these incidents; some incidents meant repeat calls to some locations, and one incident required attendance four times at the Satinwood Estate - Police were addressing this issue in conjunction with other agencies. Police also launched “Stay Safe” on 8 January 2010 and worked with young people who were misusing alcohol, ensuring that they were returned to parents or ensuring that they were in a safe environment until parents could be contacted regarding the issue.
Councillors asked a variety of questions relating to: police resources in the Sefton East Parishes area; parked cars on Rosslyn Avenue and Liverpool Road South; delayed responses to anti social behaviour reports in the Lydiate area; youths with dogs and birds of prey; youths undertaking ‘pranks’ and frightening the elderly; and leafleting. Sergeant Nelson answered questions and where appropriate agreed to take details of incidents from Members.
(1) all residents to be encouraged support ‘Operation Handle’ and its message;
(2) Members ensure that the message regarding the availability of grub screws was relayed; and
(3) Steve Johnson, Technical Services representative be requested to investigate any potential parking restrictions to the junction of Rosslyn Avenue and Liverpool Road South.