Agenda item

NHS Sefton Update Report - April 2010


The Committee considered the report of the Interim Chief Executive, NHS Sefton, on current issues impacting on healthcare provision within Sefton. Information was provided on the following:-


A.            Interim Chief Executive Announced


Anita Marsland would be acting as Interim Chief Executive for NHS Sefton until a permanent successor to Leigh Griffin could be secured. Anita held similar positions within Knowsely and would continue in those roles whilst carrying out the interim position at Sefton. Dr Janet Atherton, Sefton’s Director of Public Health, would be working closely with Anita as her deputy during this period.


The Chair looked forward to working with her, via this Committee.


B.            Quality Awards for Community Health Services Staff


The achievements of frontline healthcare staff had been celebrated at the recent first annual Community Health Services (CHS) Quality Awards.


CHS staff had been invited to make nominations in seven categories, reflecting the core themes in Lord Darzi’s report on the future of the NHS, and those short-listed were chosen to display their work at the ceremony. Chief Operating Officer’s Awards were also presented at the event. The report outlined the winners in each category.


The Chair offered congratulations for the recognition received by the winners for their contribution towards community health services.


C.        Child Measurement Programme


As part of the National Child Measurement Programme, NHS Sefton was aiming to weigh and measure more of the Borough’s children than ever before. The programme would ensure that NHS Sefton had a good understanding of how children were growing across the Borough compared to the rest of the country. More than 5,500 Sefton children had taken part in 2009. During 2010 NHS Sefton wanted to improve on the 95% success rate and was currently informing parents and carers of the new programme. Throughout the programme, NHS Sefton was able to gain information to look at national trends in underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese children. The information gathered would contribute towards better local planning and service delivery. The programme was also an effective way to engage with children and their families about healthy lifestyles, as fully- trained NHS Sefton school nurses implemented it.


D.        New Service for Healthy Sefton


From April 2010 the list of services available through Healthy Sefton would be increased by the introduction of Chlamydia screening services across the Borough. NHS Sefton had been looking at a number of different ways to encourage more young people to be screened for Chlamydia. Other lifestyle services offered via Healthy Sefton included smoking cessation, social prescribing and community weight management programmes.


The Chair requested a break-down of the service in terms of take-up throughout the Borough.


E.            Improving Dental Health


NHS Sefton had been ranked 16th out of 152 primary care trusts for access to dental services and 4th out of the 24 PCTs in the North West. A campaign was being developed to increase the number of people accessing dental health services, particularly targeting children and young people in the south of the Borough. The importance of regular appointments and understanding the importance of good dental health was being emphasised as over the previous 2 years, around 35% of residents had chosen not to access regular dental services and the campaign aimed to reduce this figure.    


Councillor McGuire requested information regarding the number of orthodentists practicing within Sefton and what the waiting time for services was.


F.            Reducing Smoking-Related Harm in Sefton


NHS Sefton was aiming to cut smoking rates in the Borough by 10% by 2013 and had already run 3 successful campaigns this year to help raise awareness of the benefits of quitting. Aintree University Hospital now offered on-site assistance from smoking cessation advisors from NHS Sefton and Liverpool who then offered sessions closer to home, once a patient had been discharged. The stop smoking service, SUPPORT could be accessed by calling Healthy Sefton on 0300 100 1000.


G.        Dying Matters Awareness Week


The National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) had set up The Dying Matters Coalition to help raise awareness and provide the support and information needed for people to have these conversations with loved ones. The project aimed to change attitudes and behaviours towards dying, death and bereavement and raise the profile and improve end of life care. NHS Sefton staff had supported a number of events during the campaign, which had run from 15 to 21 March.


The Chair requested feedback on the roadshows held in Southport and Bootle, as part of the campaign to raise awareness.


H.            Children’s Minor Injuries Unit, Southport


Councillor McGuire reported that no meetings regarding the above facility had been held for some time and questioned the commitment of the PCT to deliver such a service.


The Chair, NHS Sefton, indicated that relevant clinicians had raised a number of queries in December 2009, which had caused delays on the project and offered to forward a note to Councillor McGuire explaining the reasons for the delay.




(1)       NHS Sefton be thanked for the report;


(2)               NHS Sefton’s actions against recommendations and proposals contained in the report, and reported verbally at the meeting, be monitored as appropriate;


(3)       that NHS Sefton be requested to provide information to Members of the Committee on the following matters:-


(a)       a break-down of the Chlamydia screening service, in terms of take-up throughout the Borough, together with the other lifestyle services offered, via Healthy Sefton;


(b)       the number of orthodentists practicing within Sefton and the waiting time for receipt of services;


(c)        feedback on the roadshows held in Southport and Bootle, as part of the Dying Matters Awareness campaign;


(4)       that Mr. Leigh Griffin be thanked for his time and input into the work of this Committee; and


(5)       that officers from NHS Sefton be thanked for their regular attendance at meetings of this Committee throughout 2009/10.

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