Report of the Chief Executive
Further to Minute No. 81 of the meeting held on 19 January 2012, the Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive detailing the progress made towards the establishment of the budget for 2012/13 and the reviews of services and consultation processes completed and in progress, as part of the Transformation Programme.
The report comprised of three parts and incorporated the following information:
Part A - Low and Medium Impact Options
· Introduction/Background
· Work Programme and Prioritisation
· Consultation and Engagement Overview
· Impact Assessment Overview
· Risk Management Overview
· Options not to be progressed
· Options to be redefined
· Reviews
· Low and Medium Impact Options to Progress
· Options requiring further consideration
· Conclusion
Part B - Progress made in relation to Landscape Services
Part C - Progress made in relation to Supporting People Commissioned Services
The Chief Executive introduced the content of the report which contained details of the consultation feedback (20,000 responses from service users and the public), the equality analysis assessment, risks and the mitigating actions for each budget saving proposal set out in the report. She referred to the extensive consultation exercise undertaken by the Council on the options and made Members aware that the report contained a range of implications for service users and Members of staff affected by the proposals in the report.
The Chief Executive outlined to Members that the report contained complex, comprehensive and detailed information. In light of the scale of information being presented to Members, the Chief Executive confirmed that all Members had a further opportunity to seek additional information or clarification.
The Chief Executive requested the Cabinet to consider the low and medium impact options in
the report at this meeting and the proposals relating to Landscape Services and Supporting
People Commissioned Services at the next Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012. Mitigating actions had been identified by consultees and wherever possible, Officers had sought or would seek to incorporate these suggestions. Overwhelmingly, the consultation responses did not support some of the difficult decisions that Members faced. However, the Council must set a balanced budget and the level of Council Tax for 2012/13 at the Budget Council Meeting on 1 March 2012.
The Leader of the Council, in furtherance of the Chief Executive’s introduction, re-iterated the significance of the consultees’ responses and took the opportunity to thank respondents for their various contributions. Cabinet Members acknowledged the receipt of further communications received by them in their capacity as ward Members.
Members of the Cabinet expressed their appreciation for the high volume of responses received from service users, partners and the public in general to the consultation exercise undertaken on all of the budget savings options and thanked the Officers for the quality of the consultation work.
The Leader of the Council reminded Cabinet Members to ask questions about the reports in front of them, with particular reference to the outcome of consultation, equality analysis reports, risks and mitigating actions.
A Member of Cabinet sought clarification on the consequences should the Council fail to set a balanced budget. The Chief Executive responded by explaining that there was sufficient time to allow another Council meeting to take place after 1 March 2012 before statutorily it has to set its budget. If a budget had not been set by the statutory date, then key Officers and central Government have some default powers which may need to be invoked.
A Member of Cabinet asked “How can we demonstrate that we have listened to the consultation responses?” It was recognised that consultee responses overwhelmingly were not in support of many of the proposals. A range of mitigating actions had been identified. In addition, where consultee responses had offered suggestions or ideas, those would be acted upon wherever possible.
Members of the Cabinet raised questions/comments on the following budget savings options set
out in the report and Officers responded to the issues as indicated below:
Ref |
Service Area |
Proposal |
Comment / Response |
E1.2 |
Respite Children’s |
Reduce planned expenditure through increased efficiency |
How can we demonstrate that we have listened to the consultation responses in relation to this proposal?
Response: In addition to the consultation letters sent to the families of service users, two meetings were held with Carers to discuss the proposals for improved placement planning at Nazareth House and Springbrook Centre.
For Nazareth House, the revised commissioning arrangement for beds would reduce the budget costs for the Council but it would not reduce the level of provision for service users.
For Springbrook Centre, the core offer is currently 2 nights mid week respite cover for two months with a third month being a 3 nights weekend break. This would be revised to 3 nights mid week cover for two months with every other month being a 3 nights weekend break. This would increase the offer from 28 nights per year to 30 nights per year. This proposal was brought forward by staff at Springbrook in the context of parental feedback.
The proposals had been welcomed by the service users consulted.
E3.6 |
Sports and Recreation |
Review of the life guard cover at all swimming pools |
How will we ensure the safety of children and vulnerable users?
Response: Attention was drawn to the significant consultation response and it was noted that the particular issues raised with regard to children’s safety fell broadly into the following 3 categories: · Use by children during early evening, weekends and school holidays · School swimming lessons · Use of learner pool In terms of the first point, cover would be restricted to the period from 09.00 to 20.00. Accordingly this would provide lifeguard cover when children are most likely to use the pool. It was noted that there would be a reduced cover during school swimming lessons which are run by specialised swimming teachers who can provide cover. In terms of the learner pool, children can only use the pool if accompanied by an adult. Other Centre staff would be available to assist service users and additional staff could be called by the activation of pool emergency alarms, to be signposted at several points around the pool sides. A full risk assessment would be undertaken at each facility.
E3.13 |
Library Services |
Consider the future requirement of the mobile library service |
What is the proposed date for the cessation of the service and what action would need to be taken with regard to service users with mobility issues?
Response: The proposed cessation will take place by 30 June 2012. The lease company for the mobile vehicle, service users and staff would need to be notified. The consultation indicated that there are people with disabilities and older people who use the mobile library. Of the 33 respondents who had used the mobile library service over the past 12 months, the majority were over 55 and/or had a disability. Service users would be advised of the volunteer home visit service and other mitigating actions referred to in the report. It was also indicated that in circumstances of extreme needs, consideration could be given to posting books out to individuals and looking to extend the Talking Books arrangements.
E4.4 |
Highways Maintenance |
A further reduction in Highways Grounds Maintenance Works Budgets which will be delivered by a reduction in the number of cuts to all highway grassed areas |
What would be the impact of this proposal on any accessibility and visibility issues and would the Council still meet its statutory obligations?
Response: The contract would be reduced from 11 cuts to eight cuts per annum and the frequency of the cuts would change from every three weeks to every four weeks. There would be no serious implications to the level of service and the Council’s statutory duties would continue to be fulfilled |
E4.5 |
Parks and Green Spaces |
Reductions in the arrangement for management and maintenance of parks and green spaces. |
Concern raised about the proposal to cease the daily safety inspections of play areas although fortnightly inspections would remain.
Response: An Officer will report back to Cabinet Members on 16 February.
E4.6 |
Parks and Green Spaces |
Recharge formal sports users and allotment users the costs of provision of utilities at pavilions, allotment sites etc |
Concern raised about the proposed increase in charges for the use of bowling greens in comparison to charges for the use of football pitches by adult users.
Response: Further information would be provided in the report to the Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012
E4.8 |
Parks and Green Spaces |
Closure of Aviary, Nursery Shop and Fernery at Botanic Gardens and Conservatory at Hesketh Park |
Concern raised about the potential loss of the facilities which are a tourist attraction and the costs involved in dismantling the aviary. One Cabinet Member suggested that the costs of this proposal should be off-set by the savings made on the cessation of the Council’s membership of the Local Government Association
Response: This will be considered as part of the proposed redesign. Further information would be provided in the report to the Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012
E4.10 |
Parks and Green Spaces |
Cessation of Park Ranger functions |
Can you provide further information on the staff duties for these two service areas and the impact of the proposals on service users?
Response: Further information would be provided in the report to the Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012
E4.11 |
Coast and Countryside Service/ Parks and Green Spaces |
Merger of Parks & Coastal Ranger Functions |
E4.12 |
Coast and Countryside Service |
Reduction to site and visitor management activities |
Can you provide details of the sand clearance work currently undertaken in the Crosby area?
Response: Further information would be provided in the report to the Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012
E6.6 |
Public Conveniences |
Public Conveniences - Market Test |
1) Would there be any accessibility problems for the public as a result of this proposal?
Response: There would be no impact on service users as the public conveniences would continue to operate. There had been a very limited response to the consultations on this proposal.
2) What steps would be taken to ensure we appoint the right type of contractor and what would be the contract monitoring arrangements?
Response: Further information would be provided in the report to the Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012
E6.7 |
Tourism |
Review of Service |
Clarity was sought on how the service would migrate from its current accommodation to the Cultural Centre. This proposal would need to be examined in more detail at the Cabinet Meeting on 16 February 2012
The Chief Executive requested the Cabinet Members to submit any further comments and
questions to the appropriate officers by 6 February 2012 to enable any further information required
by Members to be submitted for consideration at the next Cabinet meeting on 16 February 2012.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
Part A - Low and Medium Term Options
(1) the work programme timetable contained in Annex A of Part A of the report be noted;
(2) Officers be authorised in terms of the proposals included in the report, to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, subject to the final decision of the Council;
(3) the detail within the equality analysis assessment, the consultation feedback and the mitigating actions for each budget saving option set out in the report had been taken into account in the decision making process;
(4) the risks outlined in Section 5 of the report, including any mitigating actions identified, had been taken into account in the decision making process;
(5) the options set out below are not in a position to contribute to the budget savings for 2012/13 as detailed below:
Ref |
Service Area |
Proposal |
Action to be taken |
E1.3 |
Children’s Transport |
Reduce planned expenditure through increased efficiency |
It was agreed that it was not currently feasible to identify a budget reduction associated with the discretionary element of children’s transport |
E4.3 |
Capita Contract |
Reduction and restructuring of a range of services currently delivered as part of the “Core” Contract |
It was agreed that the achievement of this saving would be delayed in light of the decision to terminate the Capita contract |
E5.6 |
Home Improvements |
Bringing the Home Improvement agency service for Disabled Facility Grants in-house |
That a formal procurement process to provide the Home Improvement agency service be undertaken |
E6.10 |
Floral Hall |
Retendering / disposal of Southport Theatre and Convention Centre |
Officers to re-consider the best means of securing a cost saving while continuing the activity of the complex, either through re-tendering or consideration of the sale of the complex in the future, subject to the required approvals |
E2.10 |
Fair Access to Care Criteria (FACS) |
To review Sefton’s application of the Fair Access to Care Criteria with a proposal to raise the adult care eligibility threshold to ‘Critical’ only |
A wider review of the activities and resources associated with the application of the FACS criteria, to be completed by October 2012, with recommendations to be submitted to the Cabinet in November 2012 |
E2.6, E2.7 and E2.9 |
Older People |
Review of policy - Quality Care Payments Inflation Provision |
· The re-taking of the 2011/12 budget decision to make no increase to fees payable to Care Homes for 2011/12 be deferred until after the submission from the Sefton Care Association (in full) had been received; proper analysis alongside other relevant matters had been completed; and any necessary further consultation with Care Home Proprietors had been undertaken to inform the decision · Any decision in respect of the 2012/13 budget options E2.6, E2.7 and E2.9 (as it relates to care homes) be deferred to enable the consultation process to be reconsidered, alternative commissioning approaches explored and a further report submitted to Members. |
(6) in respect of the review of Community Care Practitioner (CCP) staffing options:
(i) the information provided in the report be noted;
(ii) Members be requested to submit any requests for further information by 6 February in order to inform their recommendation on 16 February;
(7) in respect of the Voluntary, Community, Faith (VCF) review:
(i) the current position of the Review be noted;
(ii) the key messages identified from the results of the consultation be noted;
(iii) Members be requested to submit any requests for further information by 6 February in order to inform their recommendation on 16 February;
(8) the Council be requested to approve the following recommendations in respect of the budget saving options set out in Annex C of Part A of the report, after taking into account the relevant legislative framework and the issues raised in the consultation, the equality analysis assessment and the mitigating factors for each individual proposal:
Ref |
Service Area |
Proposal |
Recommendation to Council |
E1.2 |
Respite Children’s |
Reduce planned expenditure through increased efficiency |
· The planned expenditure should be reduced through the efficiencies identified · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E1.4 |
Parenting Network - Think Family Grant |
Cessation of universal parenting programmes |
· The coordination of the network of practitioners delivering the Universal Parenting Programmes be ceased · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E1.7 |
Early Years Outcomes Monitoring and Quality Support Service |
Reduce the level of Council funding in support of this service |
· The core funding be reduced by 50% · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council · It be noted that the Council would continue to deliver its statutory duties under Section 13 of the Childcare Act 2006. |
E3.6 |
Sports and Recreation |
Review of the life guard cover at all swimming pools |
· A limited reduction in life guard cover during the low risk periods identified be implemented · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E3.12 |
Library Services |
Restructure of the Local History and Information Services Team |
· The Local History and Information Services Team be restructured, resulting in a reduced service · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E3.13 |
Library Services |
Consider the future requirement of the mobile library service |
· Subject to employee and trade union consultations, the cessation of the mobile library service be implemented with effect from 30 June 2012 · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E4.2 |
Highways Maintenance |
Temporary reduction in Highways Maintenance Works Budgets (3 years) |
· A temporary budget reduction of £400,000 be made for three years · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E4.9 |
Parks and Green Spaces |
Cease supply of hanging baskets |
· The cessation of the supply of all non-sponsored hanging baskets and a budget reduction of £30,000 be made · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E5.4 |
Fairways Park and Ride |
Ceasing the operation of Fairways Park and Ride facility on Saturdays |
· The cessation of Fairways Park and Ride services on Saturday at a saving of £15,000 be made · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications subject to the final decision of Council. |
E5.7 |
Cemeteries and Crematoria |
Review of charges |
· The charge for the provision of a burial, cremation and associated services be increased as set out in the report · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications, subject to the final decision of Council.
E6.3 |
Other Area Committee Budgets |
Reduction in Area Committee Budgets |
A reduction of 10% in Area Committee Budgets be made and Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, subject to the final decision of Council. |
(9) the following proposals in respect of budget saving options set out in Annex C of Part A as set out below be deferred for further consideration at the Cabinet Meeting to be held on 16
February 2012:
Ref |
Service Area |
Proposal |
Recommendation to be the subject of further consideration by the Cabinet |
E4.4 |
Highways Maintenance |
A further reduction in Highways Grounds Maintenance Works Budgets which will be delivered by a reduction in the number of cuts to all highway grassed areas |
· A reduction of three cuts to all highway grassed areas, at a saving of £50,000, be made · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E6.6 |
Public Conveniences |
Public Conveniences - Market Test |
· A formal procurement process to provide the public convenience operational service be undertaken · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E6.7 |
Tourism |
Review of Service |
· The Tourist Information Centre be relocated to the Southport Cultural Centre, resulting in a reduction to the Tourism budget of £90,000 · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
(10) the Council be requested to approve the following recommendations with regard to organisational changes and efficiencies to services, which do not require consultation with the public:
Ref |
Service Area |
Proposal |
Recommendation to Council |
E2.2 |
Supporting People Team - Commissioning Functions |
To review staffing support |
· A reduction in staffing be made · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, which will be progressed alongside budget option E2.1 and as part of a wider review of departmental commissioning resources, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E2.8 |
Area Finance |
Review of processes and staffing arrangements |
· A reduction in staffing be made · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E3.7 |
Sports and Recreation |
Reduce the coaching and casual staff budget at Litherland Sports Park |
· A reduction in the coaching and casual staff budget at Litherland Sports Park be made · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
E3.9 |
Library Services |
Reduce the stock fund for the purchase of books and other materials and the Stock Fund Services Unit be restructured |
· The stock fund budget reduction of £100,000 be made · the Stock Fund Services Unit be restructured · Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, subject to the final decision of Council. |
(11) it be noted that negotiations are on-going with regard to organisational changes and efficiencies for the following services, which do not require consultation with the public:
Ref |
Service Area |
Proposal |
E3.1 |
Sports and Recreation |
Review of the operational requirements that are expected of Parkwood Leisure in operating Crosby Leisure Centre |
E3.5 |
Sports and Recreation |
Review of the operational requirements that are expected of Formby Pool Trust for the operation of Formby Pool. |
Part B - Landscape Services
(12) the proposals relating to Landscape Services in Part B of the report be considered at the Cabinet Meeting to be held on 16 February 2012; and
Part C - Supporting People Commissioned Services
(13) the proposals relating to Supporting People Commissioned Services set out in Part C of the report be considered at the Cabinet Meeting to be held on 16 February 2012.
Supporting documents: