Agenda item

Transformation Programme 2011 - 2014

Report of the Chief Executive


Further to Minute No. 94 of the Cabinet meeting held on 2 February 2012, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive detailing the progress made towards the establishment of the budget for 2012/13 and the reviews of services and consultation processes completed and in progress, as part of the Transformation Programme.


The report incorporated the following information:


·                    Introduction/Background

·                    Work Programme and Prioritisation

·                    Consultation and Engagement Overview

·                    Impact Assessment Overview

·                    Risk Management Overview

·                    Low and Medium Impact Options to Progress

·                    Conclusion


The report also contained the following annexes:


Annex A            Work Programme Timetable

Annex B          Proposals where the impact has been assessed as relatively low or medium following the analysis of the consultation and engagement activity

Annex C         Organisational changes and efficiencies not requiring consultation with the public


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


The Mayor reported that the Cabinet had endorsed the content of the recommendations set out in the report at its meeting held on 2 February 2012, but at its meeting held earlier that day, the Cabinet had amended the proposed action to be taken on Policy Option E3.6 relating to the review of the life guard cover at all swimming pools.  A copy of the Cabinet Minute and revised service description for this Option had been circulated around the Council Chamber, prior to the start of the meeting.


The Mayor advised Council that the Cabinet had recommended that the proposal set out in recommendation (d) of the agenda papers to provide “a limited reduction of life guard cover during the low cost periods identified in the report”, be deleted and substituted by “life guard cover be provided at all public swimming sessions, as at present and the shortfall in budget savings to be achieved, be met by an increase of 3% above inflation in the charges for swimming sessions.”


The Mayor also advised Council that a further report on the Transformation Programme had been considered by the Cabinet at its meeting held earlier that day and the recommendations arising from that meeting would be submitted to the next Council meeting to be held on 1 March 2012 for consideration.


The Mayor requested Members to take into account the issues raised at the Members’ Briefing Sessions held on 9 February 2012 and prior to this Council meeting and be aware of their responsibilities relating to the consideration of the key issues on the agenda.


It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and unanimously






(1)       the work programme timetable contained in Annex A of Part A of the report be noted;


(2)            Officers be authorised in terms of the proposals included in the report, to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications;


(3)       it be noted that the detail within the equality analysis assessment, the consultation feedback and the mitigating actions for each budget saving option set out in the report had been taken into account in the decision making process;


(4)       after taking into account the equality analysis assessment, the consultation feedback, risks and mitigating actions for each individual proposal, approval be given to the following budget savings options set out in Annex B of the report:



Service Area


Action to be taken


Respite Children’s

Reduce planned expenditure through increased efficiency

·        The planned expenditure should be reduced through the efficiencies identified

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications, if necessary.


Parenting Network - Think Family Grant

Cessation of universal parenting programmes

·        The coordination of the network of practitioners delivering the Universal Parenting Programme be ceased

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately.


Early Years Outcomes Monitoring and Quality Support Service

Reduce the level of Council funding in support of this service

·        The core funding be reduced by 50%

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary

·        It be noted that the Council would continue to deliver its statutory duties under Section 13 of the Childcare Act 2006.


Sports and Recreation

Review of the life guard cover at all swimming pools

·        Life guard cover be provided at all public swimming sessions, as at present and the shortfall in budget savings to be achieved, be met by an increase of 3% above inflation in the charges for swimming sessions

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, if necessary.


Library Services

Restructure of the Local History and Information Services Team

·        The Local History and Information Services Team be restructured, resulting in a reduced service

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications, if necessary.


Library Services

Consider the future requirement of the mobile library service

·        Subject to employee and trade union consultations, the cessation of the mobile library service be implemented with effect from 30 June 2012

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary.


Highways Maintenance

Temporary reduction in Highways Maintenance Works Budgets (3 years)

·        A temporary budget reduction of £400,000 be made for three years

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications, if necessary.


Parks and Green Spaces

Cease supply of hanging baskets

·        The cessation of the supply of all non-sponsored hanging baskets and a budget reduction of £30,000 be made

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications, subject to the final decision of Council.


Fairways Park and Ride

Ceasing the operation of Fairways Park and Ride facility on Saturdays

·        The cessation of Fairways Park and Ride services on Saturday at a saving of £15,000 be made

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications.


Cemeteries and Crematoria

Review of charges

·        The charge for the provision of a burial, cremation and associated services be increased as set out in the report

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, including the issue of relevant contractual notifications.


Other Area Committee Budgets

Reduction in Area Committee Budgets

·        A reduction of 10% in Area Committee Budgets be made and Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately.


(5)       it be noted that the risks outlined in Section 5 of the report, including any mitigating actions identified, had been taken into account in the decision making process;


(6)            approval be given to the following organisational changes and efficiencies to services, which do not require consultation with the public, set out in Annex C of the report:



Service Area


Action to be taken



Supporting People Team - Commissioning Functions

To review staffing support

·        A reduction in staffing be made

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, which will be progressed alongside budget option E2.1 and as part of a wider review of department commissioning resources, (Subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications.


Area Finance

Review of processes and staffing arrangements

·        A reduction in staffing be made

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications.


Sports and Recreation

Reduce the coaching and casual staff budget at Litherland Sports Park

·        A reduction in the coaching and casual staff budget at Litherland Sports Park be made

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications.


Library Services

Reduce the stock fund for the purchase of books and other materials and the Stock Fund Services Unit be restructured

·        The stock fund budget reduction of £100,000 be made

·        The Stock Fund Services Unit be restructured

·        Officers be authorised to prepare for implementation immediately, (subject to the duty to consult with employees and trade unions) including the issue of relevant statutory notifications.


(7)       it be noted that reports were considered by the Cabinet on 16 February 2012, relating to the remaining budget savings options and the proposed ‘framework’ Budget for 2012/13 which would be submitted to the Council on 1 March 2012 for consideration.

Supporting documents: