To deal with matters raised by members of the public resident within the Borough, of which notice has been given in accordance with the procedures relating to public questions, motions or petitions set out in Paragraphs 36 to 46 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution.
The Mayor reported that in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, three petitions had been submitted for consideration, requesting the Council to keep the Ainsdale, Aintree and Birkdale Libraries open and each petition would be considered separately.
1. The Mayor reported that the first petition with 3,968 signatures, had been submitted by Mrs. Pauline Collier of Ainsdale on behalf of the residents of Ainsdale requesting the Council to keep the Ainsdale Library open following the Review of the Library Service.
In accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, Mrs. Collier the Lead Petitioner, made a statement in support of the petition.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor P. Dowd and Members of the Council thanked Mrs. Collier for submitting the petition.
A debate then took place on the content of the petition and it was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and
That the petition be noted and the representations made be taken into account during the consideration of the report on the Review of the Library Service at the meeting of the Cabinet to be held on 14 February 2013 and the meeting of the Council on 28 February 2013, when the Council Budget for 2013/14 will be determined.
2. The Mayor reported that the second petition with 3,277 signatures, had been submitted by Parish Councillor Peter Gill of Aintree Village Parish Council on behalf of the residents of Aintree Village and Melling requesting the Council to keep the Aintree Library open following the Review of the Library Service.
In accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, Parish Councillor Gill the Lead Petitioner, made a statement in support of the petition.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor P. Dowd and Members of the Council thanked Parish Councillor Gill for submitting the petition.
A debate then took place on the content of the petition and it was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and
That the petition be noted and the representations made be taken into account during the consideration of the report on the Review of the Library Service at the meeting of the Cabinet to be held on 14 February 2013 and the meeting of the Council on 28 February 2013, when the Council Budget for 2013/14 will be determined.
3. The Mayor reported that the third petition with 3,515 signatures, had been submitted by Mr. Terry Durrance of Birkdale on behalf of the residents of Birkdale requesting the Council to keep the Birkdale Library open following the Review of the Library Service.
In accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, Mr. Durrance the Lead Petitioner, made a statement in support of the petition.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor P. Dowd and Members of the Council thanked Mr. Durrance for submitting the petition.
A debate then took place on the content of the petition and it was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and
That the petition be noted and the representations made be taken into account during the consideration of the report on the Review of the Library Service at the meeting of the Cabinet to be held on 14 February 2013 and the meeting of the Council on 28 February 2013, when the Council Budget for 2013/14 will be determined.