Report of the Neighbourhood Inspector
Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting
Inspector Gary Fairbrother updated the Area Committee on policing issues and in particular referred to:
· Crime statistics in the town; policing patrols in the town centre; and shoplifting and burglary offences;
· With regard to fraud offences, the newly established National Fraud Office had now taken over recording all offences and therefore local Police Forces would no longer provide statistics on such offences.
Members of the Committee/Local Advisory Group/public raised the following issues:
· Prior to the meeting, Mrs. M. Brown, who was not present at the meeting, had submitted a written question to the Southport Neighbourhood Police Team complaining about the proposed reduction in salaries of PCSO’s and the reduction in the hours that they were to be deployed in Southport; and suggested that this would lead to an increase in anti-social behavior in the area. Mrs. Brown concluded by asking how the Police would cover the patrol work currently undertaken by the PCSO’s.
The Police and Crime Commissioner had responded in writing to Mrs. Brown.
· Prior to the meeting, Mrs. M. Walton, who was present at the meeting, complained about youths skateboarding/cycling in Cambridge Arcade and in the Princess Diana Gardens; and asked whether the police would enforce the local by-laws to stop such anti-social activity that was causing disruption to local businesses and shoppers and causing damage to pavements and street furniture. Inspector G. Fairbrother had responded in writing to Mrs. Walton. Mrs. Walton asked, as a supplementary question, what was Sefton Council prepared to do to protect the investment of traders in the Cambridge Arcade area. Members thanked the Cambridge Arcade traders for their perseverance during the Atkinson redevelopment; and detailed an initiative to provide alternative skateboarding facilities.
· A local resident asked about the enforcement of 20 mph zones. Inspector Fairbrother referred to the initiative to obtain funding from the Area Committee’s devolved budget for a Community Speed Watch Campaign.
· A Member asked would policing activity be increased in Southport during the summer months. Inspector Fairbrother indicated that apart from one week in June when officers would be deployed to police the G8 conference in Belfast, policing would be at full strength during the summer months.
· A Member referred to his recent attendance as a witness at a lengthy fraud trial at Liverpool Crown Court; and that the defendant was found guilty of 12 offences but was given a very short sentence. The member praised the excellent police work in the case but complained about the huge cost of the court proceedings for such a leniant outcome. Inspector Fairbrother advised that the sentencing regime was set by the Lord Chancellor.
· A Member referred to recent shootings elsewhere in Sefton and asked whether Southport police resources had been deployed as part of the policing operations of the incidents. Inspector Fairbrother indicated that no Southport ploce officers had been deployed.
(1) Inspector Fairbrother be thanked for his presentation; and
(2) a contribution be made from the devolved Ward/Town wide budgets to fund the Merseyside Police Community Speed Watch Scheme.