Agenda item

Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Robertson

To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Robertson:

“That this Council wishes to be seen to be fully signed up to the localism agenda that all 3 major political parties support both in broad terms and in many areas of detail.

To this end we welcome and support in principle proposals from Parish Councils, community groups and local charities who wish to assist in running services that the Borough Council can't find the resources to sustain such as libraries, youth facilities, community halls etc.”


It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Hubbard:


“That this Council wishes to be seen to be fully signed up to the localism agenda that all 3 major political parties support both in broad terms and in many areas of detail.

To this end we welcome and support in principle proposals from Parish Councils, community groups and local charities who wish to assist in running services that the Borough Council can't find the resources to sustain such as libraries, youth facilities, community halls etc.”

Following debate, an amendment was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher, that the Motion be amended by the insertion of the words “feasible and sustainable process” after the words “support in principle any” in the second paragraph and by the addition of the following text after the second paragraph of the Motion:

“However, the Council also recognises that the austerity measures introduced by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Government fall on the most vulnerable and poorest of our society, which is leading directly to the necessity for cut backs in services now falling to the Council’s partners in the voluntary, faith and community sectors to deliver.

In addition, the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government should set out its clearly stated plans for “smaller” government by, for example, publishing a comprehensive list of the legislation it intends to repeal to lift the 3,000 statutory responsibilities from local government for the delivery and provision of social, economic, highway and environmental services.

Moreover, the Council calls upon the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government to redress the North – South divide in its funding allocations to local government which would have enabled, in the case of this Council, at least £40 millions less cuts to its budget, which could support the Localism Agenda, if it had been treated in the same way as Dorset Council.”

Following debate thereon, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the amendment was carried by 34 votes to 27 with one abstention

On a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Substantive Motion was carried by 33 votes to 26 with one abstention and it was


That this Council wishes to be seen to be fully signed up to the localism agenda that all 3 major political parties support both in broad terms and in many areas of detail.

To this end we welcome and support in principle feasible and sustainable process proposals from Parish Councils, community groups and local charities who wish to assist in running services that the Borough Council can't find the resources to sustain such as libraries, youth facilities, community halls etc.

However, the Council also recognises that the austerity measures introduced by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Government fall on the most vulnerable and poorest of our society, which is leading directly to the necessity for cut backs in services now falling to the Council’s partners in the voluntary, faith and community sectors to deliver.

In addition, the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government should set out its clearly stated plans for “smaller” government by, for example, publishing a comprehensive list of the legislation it intends to repeal to lift the 3,000 statutory responsibilities from local government for the delivery and provision of social, economic, highway and environmental services.

Moreover, the Council calls upon the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Coalition Government to redress the North – South divide in its funding allocations to local government which would have enabled, in the case of this Council, at least £40 millions less cuts to its budget, which could support the Localism Agenda, if it had been treated in the same way as Dorset Council.