Agenda item

Public Health - Impact on Regeneration and Wider Determinants

Presentation from the Director of Public Health


The Committee received a presentation from Rachael Musgrave, Consultant in Public Health, in relation to Public Health and the impact on Regeneration and the correlation and direct relation between Regeneration and Health.


The following headlines were presented:-


·         Life expectancy based on areas along the Southport to Hunts Cross Merseyrail Network and the difference across the Borough in relation to life expectancy.

·         A graph was presented illustrating how foodbank use had risen along with Hospital Admissions for malnutrition nationally since the financial crisis in 2008.  The national research evidence stated that:

Good quality employment is important for health.

Poor quality employment and unemployment are bad for health and wellbeing and make existing poor health worse.


Inequality is bad for everybody, equal societies do better across a range of outcomes for example health, education and crime.  The research evidence states that to maximise opportunities to improve Public Health at a regional level.  Link economic growth with public sector reform to prevent poverty and promote prosperity.

·         Promotion of the living wage.

·         Use joint spending power to promote good employment.

·         Improve quality and affordability of housing locally the priorities were stated as being:-.

Advocate for good quality paid employment; interventions to support people returning and staying in work (Sefton@work);  Healthy Bootle model testing efforts to tackle the causes of ill health on a focused geography.  Explore using the joint public sector procurement and commissioning investment to drive social value.


Members raised the following questions/points of observation:





The Healthy Bootle project – is there any Member involvement?








Is there an action plan?

Discussions with portfolio holders have taken place and we intend to approach Ward Members along with a wide range of other key stakeholders.


In terms of an action plan, the Health and Wellbeing Board has a Wider Determinants Forum which has recently set its priorities including: creating good quality employment and creating sustainable places.  These will direct the Forum’s work programme going forward as part of the Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy.








 Life Expectancy – do you see the gap increasing or reducing?










Progress has been made but health inequalities remains a key challenge for Sefton.  There are a number of factors that influence health inequalities.  The economy is one critical aspect.  Sefton has a much older population overall and within our younger communities unemployment is increasing.

Public Health having a remit within the Local Authority presents a real opportunity to address the inequalities identified throughout the Borough.

Is it a coincidence that the life expectancy in the wards closest to the Port (Seaforth and Litherland, Bootle New Strand, Bootle Oriel Road and Bank Hall) is much lower than those in other parts of the Borough?

Life expectancy patterns across the Borough have remained the same for some time.  There is an established association between life expectancy and deprivation and behaviour (life style choices).


RESOLVED:             That


(1)       Ms. Rachael Musgrave, Consultant in Public Health be thanked for her informative presentation; and


(2)       Ms. Musgrave be requested to include Councillor Lappin in the discussions on the “Healthy Bootle” project.