Agenda item

Northwest Leaving Care Commissioning Framework and Care and Support for Children and Young Peoples Framework

Report of the Head of Children’s Social Care


The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Social Care and Health which provided details of proposals to renew the Northwest Leaving Care Commissioning Framework and replace the Care and Support for Children and Young Peoples Framework.


Decision Made: That;


The Care and Support Framework


(1)       the Council adopts the renewal of the consortia led “regional purchasing frame work” as its current chosen option in relation to the continued identification of providers of care packages for the care and support of Children and Young People with extra needs;


(2)       the Sefton Commissioning and Procurement Teams be authorised to work on the development of this model, including its underpinning service specification in conjunction with their regional colleagues;


(3)       the Head of Children’s Social Care be authorised to agree to the Council’s membership of the final version of this model and its underpinning service specification, and the subsequent purchase of services from providers included on the framework on behalf of Sefton Council when practicable;


(4)       the use of “Spot Purchase” in relation to care packages be approved using a legally sound means of procurement as a short term contingency measure, should it be required;


The Leaving Care Framework


(5)       the Council renew its membership of the Northwest Leaving Care (16+) Purchasing Framework and that it continues to procure leaving care services through this framework when practicable; and


(6)       the Head of Children’s Social Care and Cabinet Member - Children, Schools and Safeguarding be given delegated authority to decide on Sefton’s decision in relation to the extension of the leaving care framework at the end of year 2 and 3.


Reasons for Decision:


The Care and Support Framework


The option chosen was felt to be the most appropriate means of replacing the current framework arrangements with the aim of meeting the extra needs of children and young people within Sefton. The consortia option will also lead to the Council working in conjunction with neighbouring authorities across the Liverpool City Region. This group was currently composed of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, and Wirral. At this point St Helens Council is also considering joining the consortia.


The Leaving Care Framework


The current framework provides a legally sound, accountable and transparent means of finding and procuring appropriate leaving care services for young people living in Sefton. The framework comes to an end on the 30 September, 2015. These services were an essential component of supporting young people in care as they make the transition to a secure adulthood and independence. The proposal would enable the continued use of the framework in its refreshed form which would enable the process to continue. The continued use of the framework also linked the Council to other North West authorities and area wide standards of good practice.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The Care and Support Framework


Two further options were considered as part of the initial scoping exercise associated with this document.


The first option related to the Council’s spot purchasing of packages of care from the market as and when they are required. Guidance was sought from the Procurement Section and resulting from this, spot purchase was not felt to provide a long term legally sound means of purchasing services. However, it was identified that this approach would be legally appropriate as a short term means of purchasing care should slippage occur in relation to the development and launch of this framework.


The second option related to linking the needs of children and young people with extra care needs to the developing Adult Supported Living and Outreach Service for adults with extra needs. Whilst this option was considered to be potentially viable it was noted that the recommended consortia option contained a number of advantages, which led to it being recognised as more appropriate to Sefton’s needs at this time.


The Leaving Care Framework


An alternative approach to finding leaving care services for young people would be to approach each individual case as a separate commissioned service. However, this approach would mean that the authority would not benefit from the positives associated with the renewed regional framework. Furthermore, as is the case for the Care and support Framework given the size of the annual allocated budget associated with leaving care placements this would not be a sustainable nor sound approach to procurement.


Supporting documents: