Agenda item

Determination of the proposal for the closure of St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College

Report of the Head of Schools and Families


Further to Minute No. 57 of the meeting held on 5 November 2015, the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Schools and Families which provided details of the statutory process undertaken on the proposal to close St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College by August 2016 in accordance with the School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013 and the representations received on the proposal.


Members of the Cabinet raised questions on the following issues and the Head of Schools and Families responded to the issues as indicated below:


Will there be individual discussions with the families of pupils who have special needs, to protect the welfare of the child?




Individual discussions will be held with the families of pupils who receive high needs funding. The Council will work closely with St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College and the receiving schools on the needs of all pupils.


Will pupils need to relocate to a new school before the end of this academic year?




The school will remain open and operational until 31 August 2016 so no pupils will need to move before the end of this academic year


What will happen to the funding allocated for the School?




90% of funding is on pupil based factors and will be reallocated to the receiving schools. The remaining DSG funding will reallocated to all schools in Sefton.


Will the Year 11 students be able to collect their GCSE results from the school and receive support?




Yes, the school will be open to enable the pupils to receive their GCSE results and obtain any personal support on any future educational needs.


What will happen if families do not get their first choice preference for the new school?




All the families of the pupils at the school have been requested to express their preference for three schools and if it is not possible to give them their first choice, they will generally be offered their second or third choice. All of the receiving schools have been requested to take pupils above their current admission number if necessary to enable pupils from St Ambrose Barlow to be accommodated into their preferred choice of school.


Have any lessons been learnt from this school closure process?




We have adhered to the statutory process and timetable for school closures. One of the key lessons is to ensure that has much planning as possible can be done but there is never a good time to start consultations on a proposed school closure


The Chief Executive indicated that Officers would undertake a lessons learnt exercise from the school closure process undertaken for St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College and submit a future report to Members.


Decision Made: That


(1)       the information on the proposal to close St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College contained in the report be noted;


(2)       approval be given to the proposal for the closure of St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College with effect from 31 August 2016;


(3)       the Head of Schools and Families produce a report on the lessons learnt from the school closure process undertaken for St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College.; and


(4)       the Head of Schools and Families submit a report to the Cabinet in October 2016 on how all of the pupils from St Ambrose Barlow Catholic College had been relocated to other schools in Sefton and how their support needs had been addressed.


Reasons for Decision:


The Local Authority has the statutory power to close a maintained school following the statutory process detailed in the report.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


There are no alternative viable options.

Supporting documents: