Agenda item

Update on Practices Operated by SSP Health Ltd. in Sefton

Joint briefing report of NHS England, NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group.


Further to Minute No. 16 of 1 September 2015, the Committee considered the joint briefing report of NHS England, NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group, providing an update on GP Practices operated by SSP Health Ltd. in Sefton. The briefing paper set out its purpose; background information; suitability of SSP Health Ltd. as interim provider; the appointment of interim providers; the Maghull Practice; communications; the complaints process; and the procurement of substantive services.


A Member of the Committee advised that Healthwatch Sefton was currently undertaking a piece of work regarding complaints related to Sefton GP surgeries. It was anticipated that this would be completed prior to the next meeting of this Committee.


A Member of the Committee raised concerns regarding the number of GP surgeries assigned to one interim provider, as outlined within the briefing paper.


Anthony Leo, Director of Commissioning, Cheshire and Merseyside Area Team, NHS England and Alan Cummings, Senior Commissioning Manager, Cheshire and Merseyside Area Team, NHS England, introduced the item, explaining the background so far, together with future intentions for the relevant GP practices. SSP Health Ltd. had originally been appointed as contractor for eight GP practices in south Sefton and one in the Southport and Formby area, with effect from 1 March 2013, on a three year contract, with a two year potential option to extend the contract. One year’s notice had been required to extend the contract which had not been taken up by SSP Health Ltd. and NHS England had been required to seek alternative interim providers for the practices concerned. Expressions of interest had been sought from the market and potential providers had bid for between two and seven of the practices concerned. Although some concerns had been raised regarding one provider running a number of practices, the provider concerned had a board running the practices and this offered some assurances. The interim contract would be for one year and the interim providers would simply keep the GP practices running. Regular meetings had been held with SSP Health Ltd. and the organisation was being co-operative, with various issues having been shared with interim providers, together with the opportunity for interim providers to meet privately with SSP Health Ltd. Contracts had been signed for interim providers to run the practices concerned from 29 February 2016 until 31 March 2017, and staff members and patients had been made aware of developments. Furthermore, the NHS England representatives gave assurances that the GP practices concerned would not be left to their own devices, rather that attempts were being made to stabilise the practices and to continue with communication and engagement. The interim provider assigned with a number of GP surgeries was in the process of engaging consultants to undertake a Care Quality Commission style enquiry, to ensure the practices were running satisfactorily.


A Member of the Committee raised concerns regarding the Maghull practice, which was currently located in a property belonging to Park Haven Trust, and the specialised dental services provided there in particular. Mr. Leo indicated that the practice had been served notice by the landlord who wished to take possession of the building as soon as possible, although there was no wish to evict the practice until suitable alternative premises were identified. NHS England did not wish to move any group of patients unnecessarily, and agreement had been reached with Park Haven Trust to extend the lease until the end of March 2016, with a verbal agreement reached to extend further to June 2016. Specialised dental services would also remain with the GP practice.


A Member of the Committee indicated that local Ward Councillors had consulted with a member of the Park Haven team and assurances had been given that the lease for the Maghull practice would be extended for twelve months, providing sufficient time to seek alternative suitable accommodation. Mr. Leo indicated that contact would be made by NHS England with the Park Haven team.


A Member of the Committee asked when NHS England had first become aware of the difficulties associated with the lease at the Maghull practice; what action had been taken to seek alternative accommodation; and which services would be affected. Mr. Leo indicated that NHS England had been made aware of the position regarding the lease in June 2015; that alternative premises were being considered as alternative provision, bearing in mind the cost of clinical provision; and that the large reception area in Maghull Medical Centre was being considered. In order to facilitate this change, it was likely that administrative staff, of the speech and language therapy service, would be required to relocate. Assurances were provided that no patient facing services currently located at the practice would be affected by the relocation.


Fiona Taylor, Chief Officer for NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group, acknowledged that the situation regarding the Maghull practice was not ideal and outlined her aspirations for transforming primary care across Sefton to deliver modern healthcare in purpose built accommodation, particularly in view of the Local Plan which could potentially provide additional residents and patients. For the time being, a further interim arrangement might be required for the Maghull practice. Regarding the interim provider assigned with a number of GP surgeries, Mrs. Taylor acknowledged that some concerns had been held initially, although they had now been allayed by NHS England. A number of GPs within Sefton were now approaching retirement age and this presented GP practices with workforce issues.


Mrs. Taylor also welcomed the opportunity for additional joined up approaches to the issue of NHS complaints. A Member of the Committee considered that some considerable amount of data appeared to be generated via complaints and that learning could be gained from them. He undertook to ensure that the Healthwatch Sefton survey currently being undertaken regarding complaints related to Sefton GP surgeries would be provided to Mrs. Taylor on completion.




That the information provided on SSP Health Ltd. operated practices within Sefton be noted and the NHS England representatives be thanked for their attendance.


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