Agenda item

Update on Universal Credit and Full Service Sefton M.B.C

Report of the Head of Corporate Resources


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that set out progress in rolling out Universal Credit (UC) in Sefton; updating on Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) new funding arrangement for Full Service due to commence in Sefton Jobcentre Plus offices in October 2017; and UC implementation locally and the support arrangements that would be introduced to support Sefton residents claiming UC.


The report indicated that UC helped ensure customers were better off in work than they were on benefits; that UC provided support to help people prepare for work, move into work or earn more; and that UC was a means-tested benefit that was intended to replace all of the following means-tested benefits (that top up existing income) with a single monthly payment and that the benefits and tax credits that fall within scope of the UC were:


        Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

        Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

        Income Support

        Child Tax Credits

        Working Tax Credits

        Housing Benefit for working age.


The report provided details on the revised timescales of the UC national roll-out; that in Sefton, UC Live Service was introduced in Job Centre Plus (JCP) offices for single newly out-of-work people from 30th June 2014 and that this was expanded to couples from 28th July 2014 and rolled out to families from January 2015; that as at March 2017, there were 4,155 UC claims in Sefton, of which 1,124 were claiming council tax reduction (CTR) with the Council; and the work undertaken to implement UC in Sefton relating to the Council’s Benefits Service Back Office, the Council’s One Stop Shops and Personal Budgeting Support by the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.


The report also provided details on the award by the Council of 208 UC customers with a discretionary housing payment; work undertaken with partners and key stakeholders such as PrivateLandlord Forums and Registered Social Landlords; UC Benefit Service workload for Live Service; and UC Benefit Service operational issues raised with DWP.


The report concluded by detailing that the UC Full Service was due to commence in Sefton Jobcentre Plus offices in October 2017 and that the Full Service would form part of the DWP’s digital solution and that customers would use this solution for claiming and maintaining their UC claim online;  that this would bring about a cultural and behavioural shift for claimants as the transition to monthly payments and direct payment of housing costs required them to be responsible for managing their money and paying their bills; and that the move to UC Full Service also meant that UC was delivered predominately via self-serve using the internet and that some claimants would need help with this.


Members asked questions/raised issues on the following matters:-


·       The resistance by claimants to using the new online service – Based on the age profile of current UC claimants evidence had shown that generally, new and younger claimants were more knowledgeable in making their claims. However, from October 2017 when all claims were to be made online it was anticipated that lots more help and support would be required for claimants; and the DWP would provide a telephone help line service as part of this process for claimants without the skills or support to make their claim online 

·       A “friendly” easy access online application form was required – So far Council staff had only seen a demonstration of the DWP digital system for Full Service and Council staff would have to be trained to use it. The Council would continue to regularly feedback to the DWP any problems encountered by claimants 

·       It was noted that disability assessments and interviews would still be required outside of the online claims process

·       Regarding personal budgeting how had claimants coped with the change from fortnightly to monthly payments? – There had been problems and Citizens Advice Sefton had been helping claimants with personal budgeting support. Council colleagues administering the in the Emergency Limited Assistance Scheme have also reported an increase in requests for support.

·       Have any suggested changes been made to the DWP for the UC service? – Yes, issues and suggestions have been raised in relation to operational procedures causing the Council issues when dealing with  Council Tax support claims

·       How was assistance give to claimants with disabilities or language issues? – Language Line, translation services, Easy read, home visits and allowing the use of claimant representatives were some of the processes used; and improvements to possible further assistance would be identified via training

·       Concern was raised about the direct payment of rent to claimants rather than landlords – The DWP have arrangements in place for alternative payment arrangements in some situations, such as claimants with addiction problems, a history of rent arrears.  





the report updating on Universal Credit and Full Service in Sefton be noted; and



the Head of Corporate Resources be requested to submit an update report on the FullService roll-out in Sefton Job Centre Plus offices to the meeting of the Committee to be held on 16 January 2018. 





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