Agenda item

Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust - Update Report

Karen Jackson, Interim Chief Executive, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, to attend.


Further to Minute No. 15 (2) of 27 June 2017, Karen Jackson, Interim Chief Executive, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, attended the meeting to update the Committee on recent developments at the Trust.


A sheet illustrating “Care for You” and outlining the bodies set up to consider and monitor care, based on local population needs, produced in conjunction between the Trust, NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical commissioning Group, was circulated for the attention of the Committee.


Ms. Jackson indicated that she had been in post since April 2017 and had set the following priorities with staff:-


·         Internal governance within the Trust – a full review was being conducted;

·         Organisational development and engagement with staff – a Strategy was being developed, underpinned by a new communication strategy and work undertaken around behaviours; and

·         Organisation – work was underway on greater collaborative working with commissioners and a clinically-based focus.


In addition to the above, Ms. Jackson indicated that she also wanted to carry out work on the following:-


·         Financial position – driving efficiencies;

·         Activity – links to performance and looking at patient flow; and

·         Performance, e.g. stroke services.


Fiona Taylor, Chief Officer for NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group, indicated that Mersey Care would also be involved with the bodies set up to consider and monitor care, based on local population needs, and that consideration was being given to services that should only be delivered within a hospital setting.


Members of the Committee raised the following issues and a summary of the responses provided is outlined below:-


·         Following a visit by Committee Members to the stroke unit during October 2015, concerns had been raised regarding rehabilitation facilities, in particular.

Reconfiguration of the site above A&E was to take place prior to Christmas 2017 for the relocation of the stroke ward, providing more single bays and direct access that would permit the Trust to better meet required standards, as the organisation was now recognising the external challenges to be faced.  Plans could be shared with Committee Members.


·         How had communications improved within the Trust, particularly with regard to the staff?

Ms. Jackson toured the hospital on a daily basis and was attempting to engender a learning culture within the Trust, making senior management more visible and approachable. Listening events took place and both formal and informal processes took place, including monthly meetings and an open door policy.


·         Are staffing levels acceptable and how are good staff retained?

The Trust was attempting to drive quality improvements and staff had good ideas on possible progress. All staff wanted to deliver good patient care. Staffing levels had generally improved, although there were specific problems in speciality areas, such as paediatrics, dermatology and anaesthetics. A number of staff had been employed by the Trust for some years and were very loyal to it. In those areas where there were national shortages of staff, the Trust was attempting to work with other providers.


·         What was the future of the Trust, as part of the bigger picture?

Southport and Formby definitely needed hospital provision, particularly given the aging population in the north of the Borough. Certain services, such as stroke provision, might need to be considered in terms of where best provision could be met, particularly given the critical nature of the first 72 hours, and transparent conversations might be required in moving forward with provision. It was not always possible to provide all services at every locality.


·         How could the image of the Hospital be improved?

It was acknowledged that press reporting tended to be negative in nature and it was necessary to engage the local community and staff in changing perceptions and celebrate the innovative work undertaken by staff. The key was in improving performance at the Trust.


·         Reference was made to the exclusion of the Executive Medical Director, pending investigation, during August 2017, and whether that process had been completed.

There was an on-going process and investigation and Ms. Jackson was unable to comment further.


·         Did the Trust communicate and collaborate with Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust regarding stroke services?

Communications with external partners was improving and a pathway was being developed with Aintree for addressing the critical first few hours. Stroke services was a good example of services were the use of technology and planning were changing and conversations could be held as to the future provision of services, North West Ambulance Services to be included in such conversations.


Ms. Jackson extended an invitation for Committee Members to visit hospital premises, to provide challenge and to meet staff and this invitation could be taken up in the near future.


Ms. Jackson asked how she could present information to Committee Members in the future and a number of different options were mooted, including the use of presentations and informal meetings, were necessary. The Chair also emphasised the need for the Committee to be kept informed regarding any major changes and developments in the future.




That the verbal update provided by Karen Jackson, Interim Chief Executive, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, be noted and Ms. Jackson be thanked for her attendance.


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