To receive a presentation from the Corporate Communications Manager
The Committee received a presentation from Nicky Speed, Corporate Communications Manager on social media use and effectiveness.
Ms Speed detailed:-
· UK social media usage across the different platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter
· The forecast number of people within Sefton using social media and that this provided the Council with a big audience to tap into as people from all communities and all ages were using social media in Sefton and it was recognised as a great way to talk to our communities and to engage with them on the platforms they are using
· The ways Sefton Council was already using social media to promote our key messages/priorities, grow our audience/reach, encourage customers to self-service, signpost to events and activities, consult on plans and to share key partners’ content
· That plans for the future included a social media audit, video content creation, a support channel shift and reduced calls, more focus on engagement, use for social listening, work with influencers/community groups and the provision of support for elected Members
· And concluded by requesting Members to follow the Council on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to help the Council reach customers, by sharing our messages and promoting Sefton when out and about; and that if Members were not using social media but needed help doing so then the Corporate Communications Team could facilitate this
Members of the Committee asked questions/made comments on the following issues:-
That Nicky Speed be thanked for her informative presentation.