Agenda item

Pay Policy

Report of the Head of Corporate Resources


Further to Minute No. 28 of the meeting of the Pay and Grading Committee held on 11 January 2018 the Council considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that recommended a Pay Policy for the Council as required by the Localism Act 2011.


The report indicated that HM Treasury had consulted on reforms to public sector exit payments and on 26 September 2016, the Government announced its intention to make further changes to public sector exit payments including: a minimum tariff of three weeks' pay per year of service; a cap of up to 15 months' salary on all redundancy payments; a maximum salary for the calculation of exit payments of £80,000; and a tapering amount of lump sum compensation an individual is entitled to receive as they get close to the normal pension age of the pension scheme to which they belong.


The report concluded that the proposals were not yet law and final regulations were awaited; and accordingly, it was recommended that when the final legislation was known, authority be granted to the Pay and Grading Committee to deal with any necessary amendments to bring the Authority into compliance with any statutory measures if such statutory review comes into place before Council had an opportunity to consider next year’s Pay Policy.


It was moved by Councillor Lappin and seconded by Councillor Maher:





the proposed Pay Policy at attached as Annex A to the report be approved; and



authority be granted to the Pay and Grading Committee to deal with any necessary amendments to bring the Authority into compliance with any statutory measures if such statutory review comes into place before Council has an opportunity to consider the next year’s Pay Policy.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Shaw, seconded by Councillor Pugh that the Report be amended as follows:


Adding the following words to the beginning of Recommendation (1)


That, subject to:



The deletion of Clause 20 in Section E. Senior Officers Pay;



The addition of the following sentence at the end of Clause 18 in Section E. Senior Officers Pay: “Pay awards for the Chief Executive and for HAY Grades 1 to 6 will be as per the award of the JNC for Chief Executives and the JNC for Chief Officers, respectively; and


The consequent renumbering of Clauses 21 and subsequent


Following debate and on a show of hands the Deputy Chair declared the amendment lost by 37 votes to 20.


Following debate and on a show of hands, the Deputy Chair declared the original Motion was carried by 50 votes to 4 with 1 abstention and it was





the proposed Pay Policy at attached as Annex A to the report be approved; and



authority be granted to the Pay and Grading Committee to deal with any necessary amendments to bring the Authority into compliance with any statutory measures if such statutory review comes into place before Council has an opportunity to consider the next year’s Pay Policy.



Supporting documents: