Report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance
Further to Minute No. 30 (3) of 7 November 2017 the Committee considered the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance that presented formally the final report of the Housing Licensing Performance Framework Working Group.
The Working Group was established with the following Terms of Reference and Objectives:-
· The Council is working toward the introduction of Private Rented Sector Housing Selective Licensing and Additional HMO Licensing schemes in parts of the borough
· The Selective Licensing Scheme Proposal was taken to Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) in November 2016, for review. The proposal was overwhelmingly supported
· The Selective Licensing proposal was then taken to Cabinet for formal approval in December 2016, together with approval to undertake the statutory formal public consultation. Cabinet approved the proposal and consultation
· The Selective Licensing Proposal has since been the subject of a 12 week public consultation, April-June 2017. This included notifying all Councillors of the Selective Licensing proposal and consultation, so they had the opportunity to contribute
· The results of the consultation, together with a Final Licensing Scheme proposal were taken to Cabinet in September 2017, and approved. The Council is now in the process of preparing the Selective Licensing scheme to go live from March 2018
· One key piece of work that needs to be done over the coming months is to set up a ‘performance framework’ for the Licensing schemes. This will allow the Council to test, in future, whether the Selective Licensing scheme is having an impact on improving the Licensing Neighbourhoods and private rented accommodation. The performance framework will be submitted to the Cabinet Member – Housing and Communities for approval once it is completed
· The Council approved a ‘business case’, which set out it’s justification for introducing Licensing schemes. To justify the proposed schemes for Sefton it was argued that Licensing of private rented homes would lead to the better management of these homes, which in turn would help tackle the following issues, which were used as the criteria for our schemes;
- significant anti-social behaviour.
- poor property conditions,
- a high level of deprivation or
- high levels of crime
· A Licensing scheme can only remain in operation for a maximum period of 5 years. The Council will need to monitor whether the Licensing schemes are having an impact on the issues/criteria it sought to tackle and improve
· Toward the end of the 5 year life of its schemes, the Council will need to consider whether it needs to extend the life of its schemes, and if it does, it will need to justify this through a new business case. Almost certainly, the Council would need the evidence that its schemes are having a positive impact on the issues identified. Therefore setting a suitable performance framework will be an essential tool, both to monitor the effects of licensing and to help justify any extension of the life of its schemes, should it wish to do so
· The Objective is for the Working Group to help develop and review a proposed Selective Licensing Performance Framework before it is completed and submitted for approval to the Cabinet Member – Communities and Housing.
Accordingly, the Working Group met on two occasions to undertake such review and its Final Report, together with associated recommendations, was attached to the report.
Councillor Bill Welsh, Lead Member of the Working Group, introduced the Final Report and commended the recommendations within it to the Committee; and thanked officers and his colleague on the Working Group, Councillor Mike O’Brien, for their hard work and input into the Final Report.
Members of the Committee asked questions/made comments on the following issues:-
· The possible displacement of landlords and tenants to other areas of Sefton not covered by the Housing Licensing scheme or to neighbouring areas
· Bad landlords blaming the condition of their properties on tenants
· Assurance was sought and given of the Additional HMO Licensing scheme covering parts of the Blundellsands ward
· A borough wide scheme was originally desired but revised Government guidance and rules meant the Housing Licensing Scheme had to be targeted at specific areas
· Assurance was sought and given that Ward Councillors could lodge complaints on behalf of tenants
That Cabinet be recommended to:-
(1) |
Approve the monitoring factors as detailed in the table below as the set of suitable measurable data sets to be used to report on the intended outcomes of the licensing schemes:-
(2) |
Request that the Head of Economic Growth and Housing submit an Annual Monitoring Report, to ensure that the Schemes meet their intended outcomes and objectives in measuring the progress of the Schemes through the collection of data on various factors, to both the Cabinet Member – Communities and Housing and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills); and |
if possible Private Rented Sector Housing Selective Licensing and Additional HMO Licensing Schemes in parts of the borough be selected as a topic for a Members’ Briefing Session prior to Council; and that if this is not possible, then the Head of Economic Growth and Housing be requested to arrange an awareness/training session for all Members of the Council. |
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