Agenda item

Medically Managed Residential Detoxification for Substance Use

Report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing


Further to Minute No. 105 of 7 March 2019 the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing advising that Medically Managed Residential Detoxification Services were highly specialised services, and few existed outside of NHS Trusts; that in March 2016, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust were awarded a contract to provide these services with effect from 1st July 2016; that the contract was awarded for three years with an option to extend for up to a further two years; that quarterly performance and service reviews throughout the duration of the contract proved entirely satisfactory and on 7th March 2019 Cabinet approved a two-year contract extension to be exercised with effect from the 1st July 2019.


The report concluded that consideration was now required on re-procuring this service as the current extension term expired on the 30th June 2021.


Decision Made:





the Interim Director of Public Health be authorised to conduct an OJEU Light-Tough Regime tender exercise for a Medically Managed Residential Detoxification Service to run for a period of five years from 1st July 2021 with the option of further extensions to be exercised up to a maximum of two-years; and



Authority be delegated to the Interim Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member - Health and Wellbeing, to award the contract to the highest scoring bidder(s) resulting from the procurement and to award any extension thereof.


Reasons for Decision:


Medically Managed Residential Detoxification Services are a critical part of any substance use treatment system. As part of this treatment system, Sefton Council commissions residential detoxification services for individuals wanting to realise a drug and /or alcohol-free life, but where physical or mental ill health, family or social circumstances makes it unlikely that they are able to achieve this goal in a community setting. Medically Managed Residential Detoxification Services are often the means by which people with complex health care needs go on to achieve full rehabilitation and integration back into employment, education or training opportunities.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:



To align contract expiry dates with the Community Substance Use Assessment, Treatment and Recovery Service by offering a short-term contract. This could allow the option of considering combining the community substance use treatment services and residential detoxification services within one contract. However, in order to align the expiry dates, a contract for Medically Managed Residential Detoxification Service could only be offered for ten months from the 1st July 2021. It is doubtful that this option would be financially viable for a specialist service provider and would create instability within the treatment system. Moreover, combining the contracts would narrow the field of viable providers within the market and could disadvantage some providers who specialise only in community treatment service provision.



To retain separate community and residential substance use services and commence a re-procurement exercise for a specialist Medically Managed Residential Detoxification Service. In order that stability is maintained within the treatment system it is recommended that Cabinet approves the procurement of Medically Managed Detoxification services for substance use for a period of five years with the option of further extensions to be exercised up to a maximum of two-years.   



Supporting documents: