Report of the Chief Executive
Further to Minute No. 42 of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 11 March 2020 the Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive that updated on the progress made against the actions taken and progress made with regard to the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND Continuous Improvement Plan); and which also updated on the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Decision Made:
(1) |
the progress made to date in connection with the SEND Continuous Improvement Plan be noted;
(2) |
it be noted that changes have now been introduced resulting in many of the action plan objectives being met and that where required appropriate remedial action has been put in place;
(3) |
it be noted that the ASD pathway has been impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic and the remedial actions being taken by the provider and the approaches taken to maintain a safe level of service for children requiring ASD/ADHD assessment and diagnosis also be noted; and
(4) |
it be confirmed that Cabinet considers that the level of risk is being effectively managed. |
Reasons for Decision:
The Health and Wellbeing Board provides system leadership and keeps the Council’s Cabinet informed of progress and if necessary, will escalate concerns. On 11th March 2020 the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed the report (attached as an appendix to the Cabinet report) and in relation to recommendation (9) of that report sought to provide assurance of robust oversight of the delivery of the SEND Continuous Improvement Plan.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Supporting documents: