Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health.
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health in relation to the strategy for the re-commissioning of Supported Living services. The report explained that supported living was a package of care consisting of a combination of suitable accommodation with some form of care and support on site or as in reach care in order to support people with disabilities to live independently in the community rather than in a residential setting.
The proposed approach to the care and support contracts detailed within the report was intended to promote independence for the residents of Sefton and in so doing support them to live the life of their choosing within their local communities.
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Councillor Cummins welcomed the report and stated that the proposed approach created greater opportunity for the Council to work with Stake Holders and Service Users in co producing a suitable model of supported living.
Decision Made: That the Cabinet:
(1) approved the strategic commissioning approach with regards to the care and support contracts for Supported Living;
(2) approved the Direct Award of temporary contracts for 12 months to current providers of Supported Living;
(3) granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Social Care and Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services to award the contracts;
(4) approved the commencement of a procurement process in line with Public Procurement Regulations which will secure a suitable local purchasing system to beused to source Supported Living Care and Support provision from August 2022;
(5) granted delegated authority to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Executive Director of Corporate Resources and Customer Services to award the contracts;
(6) delegated decisions in relation to the authorisation of call off from the contracts for individual packages of support to senior managers within Adult Social Care, based upon the scheme of delegation;
(7) granted approval, should it be required and only should an existing provider of Supported Living support and where provided Community Support provision exit the market, for a direct award to be provided to an alternative provider in order to sustain continuity whilst the new purchasing arrangements are developed; and
(8) noted that the Supported Living Strategy will apply to services commissioned by the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Groups in relation to Individual Placements and Packages.
Reasons for the Decisions:
· This approach will ensure that provision is able to respond to the aspirations of people who use services including young people in transition who are seeking access to creative solutions which promote independence, reducing reliance on residential care.
· The approach will ensure the availability of sustainable fit for the future services that offer best value, are innovative and offer a wider range of choice for individuals.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
To do nothing was considered and rejected as there is a need to ensure that providers are working to the model of support approved by Cabinet and that future commissioning arrangements are in line with the Adult Social Care Vision and will support the wider integration of health and social care.
Services as part of the proposed approach will be subject to an evaluation of the quality of provision which will inform the commissioning and procurement of these services in the future. It will also mean further engagement with people using the services to inform the re-commissioning approach and the coproduction of the outcomes required.
Supporting documents: