To deal with matters raised by members of the public resident within the Borough, of which notice has been given in accordance with the procedures relating to public questions, motions or petitions set out in Paragraph 37 to 48 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution.
(Details of any petitions notified or questions submitted by members of the public will be circulated at the meeting).
The Mayor reported that a public petition had been received containing the signatures of over 500 people.
The Mayor reported that in accordance with Council’s Constitution the lead petitioner, Councillor Dalbuquerque would be given a maximum of 5 minutes to make his representations to the Council on his petition and thereafter the Council would be given 15 minutes to debate the petition before making its decision.
Councillor Dalbuquerque addressed the Council on the basis of the following reasons for the petition:
“We are petitioning Sefton Council to STOP the proposed cycle lane infrastructure (currently being consulted on) being installed across Southport from Crossens to Ainsdale, and REMOVE the current TEMPORARY cycle lanes on Queens Road and Houghton Street. These lanes are NOT WANTED or NEEDED in Southport.
Why are Sefton Council making it more difficult for people to drive here and visit? No-one (or very few) cycle from Preston, Liverpool or other areas to visit Southport.
The cycle lanes which have already been imposed in Southport town centre have been disastrous. They have damaged local businesses at a time they need help and support, by making it more difficult for people to drive into and park there.
We have been contacted by disabled people who are horrified by the decision to allow cyclists on Chapel Street, making it a no go area for them.
In Birkdale and Hillside, affected roads in “Quiet Streets” include: Trafalgar Road; York Road; Alma Road; Greenbank Drive; Dover Road; and Hillside Road.
Spaces alongside Hesketh Park will be gone, taken up by a dual lane cycle lane if Sefton has its way! There will be nowhere for anyone who uses Hesketh Park to Parkrun, exercise, bring your children, walk dogs etc to park your cars! Surely this can’t be right?
Churchtown Lights already sees traffic blocked up in all directions. It is one of the busiest road junctions in Southport. Proposals are to reduce the lanes inside the lights, which could make congestion far worse.
Widening the rarely-used lanes on Preston New Road will restrict the flow of traffic and increase traffic congestion in this area.
Traffic could be forced to use quieter residential Streets due to the congestion on the planned routes.
People attending the businesses on the approach to Ainsdale Village, the churches, cemeteries and rugby events, will all be unable to park as previously on the main roads, and will seek parking anywhere they can.
There are also associated road closures to through roads such as York Road, Trafalgar Road, Hillside Road and Dover Road, forcing locals to use the main road only, which causes more congestion.”
Members debated the petition and Councillor Fairclough, Cabinet Member for Locality Services reported that he would respond after hearing the full debate on Cycle Lanes and after Agenda Item: 17, Motion Submitted by Councillor Pugh – Cycle lanes, Min No: 40 refers had been considered.
It was moved by Councillor Maher, seconded by Councillor Fairclough and
(1) the Council thank the lead petitioner, Councillor Dalbuquerque for his petition;
(2) the Council note the petition; and
(3) the Council refer the contents of the petition to the Consultation process for consideration.
Supporting documents: