Agenda item

Green Sefton Annual Review 2022

Report of the Assistant Director of Place (Operational In-House Services)


The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director of People (Operational In-House Services) that provided an update on the progress of Green Sefton’s operational delivery over the last year, and setting out the strategic work programme, in line with the Service Vision 2030, and Service Plan for the next year; and which proposed a refresh of the Vision and Service Plan and sought the Committee’s comments on these documents for submission to the Cabinet Member - Health and Well Being and the Cabinet Member - Locality Services.


A copy of the Green Sefton Annual Review 2022 was attached as an appendix to the report.


Mark Shaw, Green Sefton Service Manager, made a presentation to the Committee and highlighted the work undertaken by his service during the past year which included:


·       Partnership work with others, and the update of the Volunteer Handbook

·       The public sharing of the Service Plan, and workload management

·       The delivery and formal opening of Bootle golf course driving range

·       In Bloom successes

·       The introduction of a new coast PSPO

·       Contributions to the Climate Change Working Group

·       Responses to extreme weather events

·       Successful bids for external funds, and developed and delivered improvement projects

·       Development of income through innovation and business case approaches

·       Performance tracking and responses to increasing complaints, and a start on defining service standards possible


Mr. Shaw also identified activity to be undertaken in 2023 which included:


·       Development and exploration of new funding bids, such as for Botanic Gardens Heritage Lottery

·       Delivery of further improvement schemes, such as Crosby coastal defences (interim works)

·       Seek to increase in staff capacity, apprenticeships and training

·       Adoption of the Tree, Allotment, Playing Pitch/ Football Development and Nature Conservation Strategies

·       Start replacement of fleet and machinery

·       Continue to develop the Coastal Gateways

·       Tender for investment at Southport Golf

·       Development of a Strategic Vision for our places in the future

·       Promotion of changes to overall Landscape Management

·       Publish the standards of what can be achieved within resources available

·       Lead of key aspects of the Climate Action Plan

·       Revisit Service Strategy, and workload management



Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following issues:


·       Workload and mitigation measures to reduce complaints

·       The re-designation of some locations as tourist areas rather than sites of environmental importance

·       Unusual weather events would become less unusual and measures needed to be put in place to mitigate such climate change issues

·       Environmental impacts did matter to our communities and there was a responsibility to tackle these

·       Natural Alternatives, Green Sefton’s own long-running inclusion programme for adults and young people with additional needs was commended; information was sought on whether the programme could be expanded and how it was funded; and whether added social value of the programme could be quantified and factored into the funding formula

·       Air quality improvements pursued by the Council helped to improve the health benefits of local residents

·       The Member Development Steering Group had agreed to a module on climate change being made available to all Members of the Council     





the report on the Green Sefton Annual Review 2022 be noted;



Members be requested to submit any comments they may have on the current Service Vision to 2030 and Service Plan directly to the Cabinet Member Health and Well Being and the Cabinet Member - Locality Services; and



Mark Shaw be thanked for his informative presentation.






Supporting documents: