Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing)
The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Place (Economic Growth and Housing) which indicated that officers has recently consulted on the following Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs):
· Affordable and Supported Housing SPD;
· Conversion to Flats and Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD;
· House Extensions SPD;
· New Build Homes SPD; and
· Social Value (employment and skills) in development SPD.
and the following Information Notes:
· Contributions towards education - A guide for developers; and
· HRA Recreational Pressure.
Having considered the responses received, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control, it was proposed that the SPDs and the Information Notes, incorporating any changes recommended in the report and appendices, should be adopted by the Council with immediate effect following approval by the Cabinet, to enable them to be given weight as material considerations when planning applications are determined.
Decision Made: That
(1) the following Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) be adopted:
· Affordable and Supported Housing SPD;
· Conversion to Flats and Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD;
· House Extensions SPD;
· New Build Homes SPD; and
· Social Value (employment and skills) in development SPD;
(2) the following Information Notes be adopted:
· Contributions towards education - A guide for developers; and
· HRA Recreational Pressure
(3) the Chief Planning Officer be granted delegated authority to make minor editorial and presentational changes prior to the publication of the SPDs and Information Notes; and
(4) the existing SPDs/Information Notes that will be replaced by the above (and listed in section 9 of the report) be revoked.
Reasons for the Decision:
It is necessary for the Council to review and adopt the Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and Information Notes to provide clear and consistent guidance for developers and others about how the requirements of policies in the Sefton Local Plan will be interpreted and implemented.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
The alternative would be not to adopt the SPDs. This would require planning decisions to be made using outdated policies.
Supporting documents: