Agenda item

Work Programme Key Decision Forward Plan

Report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer that sought to:


·       seek the views of the Committee on the draft Work Programme for the Municipal Year 2023/24;

·       invite Committee Members to participate in informal briefing sessions during 2023/24, rather than establish a traditional working group;

·       identify any site visits to be made during 2023/24

·       identify any items for pre-scrutiny by the Committee from the latest Key Decision Forward Plan;

·       note the training proposals available from the Local Government Association and in-house; and

·       receive an update on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The following appendices were attached to the report:


·       Appendix A - Work Programme for 2023/24;

·       Appendix B – Terms of Reference for the Committee (extract from the Council’s Constitution); and

·       Appendix C - Latest Key Decision Forward Plan items relating to this Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Members of the Committee raised the following questions/issues:


·       The possibility of the Cabinet delaying consideration of the two items within the Key Decision Forward Plan, as set out in Appendix C of the report, that fell under the remit of this Committee.

·       Clarification on the pre-scrutiny process could be sought from the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer.

·       Clarification on the CHAT report being a regular standing item for future meetings of the Committee.

·       The possibility of holding site visits for Committee Members to the Menai Wellbeing Centre and to Children’s Services at Magdalen House, Bootle.




(1)      the draft Work Programme for 2023/24, as set out at Appendix A to the report, be agreed, along with any additional items to be included and agreed;


(2)      further to Minutes numbered 5 (1), 6 (2), 7 (4) and 9 (3) above, the following items be added to the Committee’s Work Programme for 2023/24:


          (a)      the Executive Director of Social Care and Education be requested to report back on the following matters, in line with the Improvement Plan progress, to future meetings of the Committee:


                     (i)       negative feedback / complaints received from families;


                     (ii)       domestic abuse;


                     (iii)      the administrative support pilot scheme; and


(iv)   the work being undertaken with Leeds to attract social workers;


          (b)      the Democratic Services Manager be requested to include:


(i)             performance management and quality assurance information in respect of Children’s Social Care, to include the CHAT report, as a standing item to all meetings of the Committee during 2023/24;


(ii)            the Education Scorecard as a regular item for meetings of the Committee during 2023/24.


(3)      informal briefing sessions be held, as and when required, rather than the establishment of a traditional working group during 2023/24;


(4)      an informal meeting of Committee Members to consider the Sefton Place - Community Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services Update 2022 – 2023, be held on a date to be determined;


(5)      the following site visits be organised for Committee Members during 2023/24:


(a)        to meet with the Making a Difference (MAD) Group;


          (b)      to visit the Menai Wellbeing Centre;


          (c)      to visit Children’s Services at Magdalen House, Bootle;


(6)      the Key Decision Forward Plan for the period 1 June – September 2023 be noted;


(7)      clarification on the pre-scrutiny process could be sought from the Chief Legal and Democratic Officer;


(8)      the training proposals available from the Local Government Association and in-house be noted; and


(9)      the update on the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.

Supporting documents: