Agenda item

Work Programme Key Decision Forward Plan - 1 February 2010 to 31 May 2010

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive


The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive attaching the latest Key Decision Forward Plan that contained all the Key Decisions that the Executive was anticipated to take during the above period. The Committee was advised of its right to pre-scrutinise any Key Decision which fell under its remit.


Equalities Working Group


The Chair indicated that the Equalities Working Group had concluded its scrutiny of the Council’s Equalities Impact Assessments.  It was noted that the Government had published the new Equality Framework for Local Government that was a marked step change from the old Equality Standard and focused upon impact and risk assessments and the achievement of outcomes. The Equality Bill was expected to be published in spring 2010 and from this, new duties and responsibilities would be introduced for Local Authorities.  In addition to this, as part of the Transformation Programme, a work programme on equality and diversity had been agreed which formed part of the Council's developing new approach around knowing and understanding communities, research and intelligence and performance improvement.  As such, work on equality and diversity was to be mainstreamed back into a corporate approach within the Council and a new performance process, linked to the new Equality Framework, was to be developed.  As a consequence of these changes it was proposed that the Equalities Working Group should conclude its scrutiny of this area, with a view to examining future areas of work once the transformation had bedded down. The Working Group had also undertaken work on guidance for sole traders or organizations with less than 5 employees, tendering for work with the Council, and the requirement for compliance with equality and diversity requirements. In consultation with the Sefton Equalities Partnership, a simplified questionnaire had been produced for incorporation into the Council’s procurement procedures.


The report of the Equalities Working Group would be submitted to the next meeting of this Committee.


Perceptions of Crime Working Group


It was indicated that as part of the Transformation Programme a work programme on engagement and consultation had been agreed as part of the Performance Improvement work stream; and the Council was planning to introduce a new corporate approach on knowing and understanding local communities, research and intelligence and performance improvement.  As a consequence of this, work on engagement and consultation currently being delivered across departments and some outwith of the Council would be mainstreamed back into a corporate approach and would be linked closely to the changes in relation to the Sefton Borough Partnership and the developing approaches around Neighbourhood Management. As a consequence of these changes, it was proposed to end this Working Group at this time and examine future areas of work once the transformation had bedded down.


Health Inequalities and Scrutiny


The report informed Members that the Overview & Scrutiny Management Board had recently established a cross-cutting Working Group, to scrutinise health inequalities within the Borough, membership comprised of the four O&S Chairs, and developments would be reported back to the Committee in due course.


Members were also informed that, prior to Christmas 2009, the Centre for Public Scrutiny had invited local authorities to bid for Scrutiny Development Area status. The intention being to raise the profile of overview & scrutiny as a tool to promote community well-being and assist councils and their partners in addressing health inequalities within their local community.


Sefton Council had submitted a bid that had been successful. Funding for successful bids would attract a maximum of £5,000 for costs incurred over and above the usual scrutiny support that the local authority provides. In addition an expert advisor would also be placed with each of the successful pilots to help develop the review. Developments would be reported back to the Committee in due course.





(1)       the contents of the Forward Plan for the period 1 February to 31 May 2010, be accepted; and


(2)       the progress and actions of the Equalities and Perceptions of Crime Working Groups to date be accepted.


(3)       that the establishment of a cross-cutting Working Group, to scrutinise health inequalities within the Borough, comprised of the four Overview & Scrutiny Chairs, be supported; and


(4)       that Sefton’s successful bid to become a Scrutiny Development Area, to assist in addressing health inequalities within the local community, be recognised.

Supporting documents: