Report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director
Further to Minute No 59 of the meeting held 23 September 2009, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Director regarding the Thornton Switch Island Link Layout Approval and Public Exhibition Proposal, and seeking approval for the proposed scheme layout, the proposals for public exhibition in advance of the planning application and the initial approaches to landowners to open discussions about land acquisition, and indicating that a decision on the matter was required to ensure that Members were fully appraised of progress and that approval was required for the scheme proposals, in advance of presentation to the public and initial discussions about land acquisitions.
The report indicated that the completion of the preliminary design was set for December 2009; that a public exhibition was to be held in February 2010; and that the planning application would be submitted in April 2010.
The Project Team had been developing the design of the scheme and had undertaken detailed environmental assessments of the potential impacts of the scheme on air quality, noise, landscape, land use and agriculture, water quality, hydrology and flood risk, soils, ecology and cultural heritage which would be reported in the Environmental Statement to be submitted in conjunction with the planning application. Further surveys had been completed in September including ground investigation and topographic surveys; traffic surveys; use of footpaths and tracks; baseline noise surveys; bat, water vole and badger surveys; and landscape and land use.
Regular meetings had taken place between Sefton Council, Capita Symonds, Balfour Beatty and Jacobs to monitor progress, and the Project Board had registered the scheme with the Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Awards Scheme (CEEQUAL) in order to draw on current guidance and environmental good practice, provide an incentive and protocol for assessing, benchmarking and labelling; and the environmental quality of projects. The achievement of CEEQUAL would provide evidence to stakeholders and other parties that good environmental practice had been adopted for the scheme.
The report also indicated that it was proposed to hold exhibitions on the afternoons and evenings of 2 and 3 February 2009 in Netherton at St Benet’s Church Hall and in Thornton at St Frideswyde’s Church Hall; that Members of the Council, Capita Symonds, Balfour Beatty and Jacobs would be available to answer questions; that the exhibitions would be publicised as widely as possible; that additional consultations would be offered to residents most affected by the scheme proposals namely Chapel Lane, Rothwells Lane and Holgate; that individual discussions would be offered to local landowners and farmers affected; and that reports would be presented to all the relevant Area Committees and offers would be made to the Parish Councils for one of the project officers to attend their meetings to explain the scheme proposals.
As far as possible agreement with existing landowners would be secured, however Compulsory Purchase Orders would be prepared for the land needed for the scheme, which would be published alongside the planning application, but only enforced if required. Initial approaches to the existing landowners about the possibility of securing land purchase by agreement would be undertaken by Capita Symonds on behalf of the Council.
Steve Birch, Team Leader, Technical Services circulated a report detailing further information regarding the Thornton Switch Island Link Layout scheme, as requested by the Cabinet Member.
Plans outlining the proposed scheme were attached as an Annex to the report.
(1) the report be noted; and
(2) Cabinet be recommended to:
(a) note the progress of the Thornton to Switch Island Link;
(b) approve the proposed scheme layout;
(c) approve the proposal for a public exhibition of the scheme plans to be held in advance of the submission of the planning application; and
(d) give approval for initial discussions to be held with landowners about
land acquisition for the scheme.
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