Committee details

Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children's Services)

Purpose of committee

To fulfill all the functions of an Overview and Scrutiny Committee as they relate to Children’s Services and to review and make recommendations for improvement in relation to the following functions:

·         Vulnerable Children and Young People

·         Children’s Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy, Early Years, Family and Children’s Centres, Education Welfare, Parenting Strategy and Youth Services/YSS

·         14-19 Curriculum Early Years Quality and Regulatory Education. Psychology. Governor Services, Swimming Team Healthy Schools/PSHE School improvement and School Intervention School Organisation and Planning, Capital and Admissions, Attendance and Enforcement School Traded Services SEN Delivery/SAIS/PRUs Virtual LAC School

·         CAMHS, Children’s Trust (CT), Early Years Regulatory Activity and Commissioning, SEN Assessment and Commissioning, Young People's Voice and Information, Advice and Guidance

·         School Catering

Further details on the role and responsibilities of the Committee are set out in Chapter 6 of the Council’s Constitution.


Contact information

Support officer: Mike Morris. Senior Democratic Services Officer

Postal address:
Corporate Services Department
The Town Hall
Trinity Road
L20 7AE

Phone: 0151 934 2045

Fax: 0151 934 2034
