Each address below is displayed as a comma separated value (CSV) list. You can copy and paste this information into a text file. Open the file in your word processor or spreadsheet for use in mail merges.
To use this information as a mail merge in a Microsoft Word document, copy and paste all the names and addresses including the headings 'Name, Address1 etc' into a Word document. To put it into table format: Highlight all the text, go to Table/Convert text to table/Make sure 'separate text at commas' is chosen then OK.
Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Postcode, Phone, Mobile, Email
Cllr. Dr. John Pugh, 27 The Walk, Southport, , , PR8 4BG, 0151 934 2252, 07717 641012, john.pugh@sefton.gov.uk
Cllr. Dave Robinson, 33 Warwick Road, Bootle, , , L20 9BY, , 07904 774998, dave.robinson@sefton.gov.uk
Cllr. Sir Ron Watson C.B.E., 7 Carnoustie Close, Oxford Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 2FB, , 07790 425190, SirRon.Watson@sefton.gov.uk