Issue - decisions

06a Regeneration & Technical Services Departmental Service Plan Monitoring - 200910 Quarter 2 review Appendix A

16/12/2009 - Regeneration & Technical Services Departmental Service Plan Monitoring - 2009/10 Quarter 2 Review

Further to Minute No 18 of the meeting held on 1 July 2009, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environmental Services regarding an update on the Technical Services Department Service Delivery Plan 2009/10; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required in order to comply with the Council’s Corporate Performance Management procedure.


The report indicated that the update covered the period April – September 2009; encompassed the full range of technical services delivered by Capita Symonds and the Technical Services Department; and detailed progress  in relation to specific activities, namely Regeneration Projects, Southport ECO Centre, Display Energy Certificates, Road Safety and Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council/Capita Symonds Partnership. 


Councillors asked a variety of questions regarding NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) and the transport and facilities in relation to this part of the populous; road safety; and the formulas used to collect the data in the report.


Attached as an annex to the report was a copy of the Technical Services Department Service Delivery Plan 2009/10; which was structured so that it included all the technical services that were delivered in Sefton for ease of monitoring and reporting; and that these services were now delivered by different departments and the Council’s strategic service provider.




(1)               the update on the Technical Services Service Delivery Plan and NI targets for 2009/10 be noted; and


(2)               staff in Regeneration and Technical Services, Planning and Economic Regeneration Departments and Capita Symonds be congratulated for their hard work, performance and dedication during the previous year.