Further to Minute No 15 of the meeting held on 15 September 2005 the Committee considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director advising of progress made in connection with the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows landfill.
The report indicated that the Environment Agency (EA) on behalf of the Council, undertook an inspection of the former landfills to assess whether contaminants were present at concentrations that may pose a significant risk to human health or controlled water; that following completion of their detailed inspection the EA considered that the areas identified as Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 1 and Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 2 met the requirements to be determined as contaminated land sites and designated as Special Sites; and that the contamination had been shown to be affecting controlled waters and their quality, in that the surface waters were not meeting relevant surface water criteria as set out in the Surface Waters (Fishlife) (Classification) Regulations 1997.
The report concluded that EA had recommended that further investigation was required on sites known as Sefton Meadows East and Sefton Meadows West; that the Council was currently consulting with landowners to establish the scope of further works; and that Environmental Protection Department Officers would assist EA with risk communication, assessment of risks to human health and liaison with the appropriate persons who had interest in the sites.
(1) the report on the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows Landfills be noted; and
(2) the Environmental Protection Director be invited to a future meeting to discuss these issues in more detail.
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental Protection Director advising of progress made in connection with the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows landfill.
The report indicated that the Environment Agency (EA) on behalf of the Council, undertook an inspection of the former landfills to assess whether contaminants were present at concentrations that may pose a significant risk to human health or controlled water; that following completion of their detailed inspection the EA considered that the areas identified as Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 1 and Sefton Meadows Landfill Extension 2 met the requirements to be determined as contaminated land sites and designated as Special Sites; and that the contamination had been shown to be affecting controlled waters and their quality, in that the surface waters were not meeting relevant surface water criteria as set out in the Surface Waters (Fishlife) (Classification) Regulations 1997.
The report concluded that EA had recommended that further investigation was required on sites known as Sefton Meadows East and Sefton Meadows West; that the Council was currently consulting with landowners to establish the scope of further works; and that the Environmental Protection Department Officers would assist EA with risk communication, assessment of risks to human health and liaison with the appropriate persons who had interest in the sites.
That the report on the contaminated land inspection of the former Sefton Meadows Landfills be noted.