The Cabinet Member considered the report of Planning and Economic Development Director that: informed of the contracts awarded to Sefton Council under the Stepclever Delivery Plan 2010-12; sought approval for a recruitment process for filling new posts that maximised redeployment and minimised recruitment; and approval for a revised structure and establishment for the Economic Regeneration Division of the Planning and Economic Regeneration Department.
Attached to the report were four annexes that detailed the: Enterprise Gateway current staffing; Build Sefton current staffing; Step Up to Supply (Buy Side) Project current staffing; and Enterprise Gateway proposed staffing and context diagram.
This was a key decision and was included on the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) the Enterprise Gateway posts, as detailed within the report, be established;
(2) the organisation chart as detailed in annexe four be approved; and
(3) the maximum use of redeployment procedures to fill vacancies within the new structure be approved, with market recruitment a last resort and requiring the permission of the Vacancy Panel.