Issue - decisions

01 Revenue And Capital Expenditure Monitoring To 31 December 2009

26/02/2010 - Revenue and Capital Expenditure Monitoring to 31 December 2009

The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Acting Finance and Information Services Director, the Planning and Economic Development Director, and the Head of Technical Services, regarding the quarterly forecast position, based on information as at 31 December 2009, in relation to the Portfolio’s 2009/10 Revenue Budget and Capital Programme; and indicating that a decision on the matter was required to comply with the corporate performance management process.


The report also sought a view on whether any comments should be made to the Cabinet regarding the overall performance of the revenue budget and the schemes within the capital programme.




(1)               the progress of the Technical Services Portfolio’s revenue budgets that are subject to risk based monitoring be noted;


(2)               the progress made on the schemes within the portfolio’s elements of the Council’s Capital Programme be noted;


(3)               the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) be recommended to note the contents ofthe report and indicate whether any comments about the overall performance of this Portfolio’s revenue budget should be referred to Cabinet; and


(4)               the Cabinet Member be requested to alert Cabinet to the budget pressures facing Technical Services due to the challenge of starting the financial year with a non-balanced budget; the impact of severe weather conditions on highway maintenance; and impact of the recession on car parking revenue.