Issue - decisions

Minutes of Area Committee Meetings

07/04/2010 - Minutes of Area Committee Meetings

The Cabinet Member considered the Minutes of the below Area Committees:-


St.Oswald and Netherton and Orrell held on 11 February, 2010

Formby held on 11 February, 2010

Litherland and Ford held on 17 February, 2010

Crosby held on 24 February, 2010




That the Minutes of the above Area Committee be noted.

02/03/2010 - Minutes of Area Committee Meetings

The Cabinet Member considered the Minutes of the below Area Committees:-



Linacre and Derby held on 11 January, 2010

Crosby held on 20 January, 2010

Sefton East Parishes held on 21 January, 2010

Southport held on 3 February, 2010




(1)      the Minutes of the above Area Committees be noted; and


(2)      further to Minutes Nos.52 and 67 of the meetings held on 4 November 2009 and 27 January 2010 respectively, the Legal Director, in consultation with the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods, be requested to draft a report on the options available to encourage greater public attendance and participation at Area Committee meetings, including options on the possible re-formatting and re-configuration of the meetings for the 24 March meeting of Cabinet Member - Communities.