The Cabinet Member considered the Minutes of the below Area Committees:-
St.Oswald and Netherton and Orrell held on 11 February, 2010 |
Formby held on 11 February, 2010 |
Litherland and Ford held on 17 February, 2010 |
Crosby held on 24 February, 2010 |
That the Minutes of the above Area Committee be noted.
The Cabinet Member considered the Minutes of the below Area Committees:-
Linacre and Derby held on 11 January, 2010 |
Crosby held on 20 January, 2010 |
Sefton East Parishes held on 21 January, 2010 |
Southport held on 3 February, 2010 |
(1) the Minutes of the above Area Committees be noted; and
(2) further to Minutes Nos.52 and 67 of the meetings held on 4 November 2009 and 27 January 2010 respectively, the Legal Director, in consultation with the Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods, be requested to draft a report on the options available to encourage greater public attendance and participation at Area Committee meetings, including options on the possible re-formatting and re-configuration of the meetings for the 24 March meeting of Cabinet Member - Communities.