The Chair, Councillor Moncur, declared a prejudicial interest in respect of this report, he vacated the Chair and left the room for the duration of consideration of this item. Councillor Veidman, the Vice-Chair, took the Chair for consideration of this item.
Further to Minute No.19 of the meeting of the Cabinet Urgent Business Committee held on 25 February 2010, the Committee considered the report of the Planning and Economic Development Director that provided information on the consultations held with the Planning Inspectorate and Counsel on the soundness of the Joint Waste Development Plan: Consultation on Preferred Options Report.
(1) the consultation undertaken and proposed to take place with the Planning Inspectorate Service be noted;
(2) subject to further consideration by Cabinet Urgent Business Committee on action to be taken, the commencement of a six-week public consultation process on the Waste DPD Preferred Options report following the General and Local Elections in 2010 be agreed; and
(3) Site F1029: Site off Grange Road, Dunnings Bridge Road/ Heysham Road junction, Bootle: Proposed District Site Allocation be removed from the Waste DPD Preferred Options Report.
Councillor Veidman vacated the Chair and the Chair was re-taken by Councillor Moncur