It was moved by Councillor Webster, seconded by Councillor Moncur and
That it be noted that Councillor P. Dowd was appointed as the Leader of the Council by the Council on 17 May 2011 for a period of four years or until such time as his term of office expires.
The Mayor reported that in accordance with the Political Conventions Document signed by the three Political Group Leaders on 29 March 2010, Councillor Robertson had given notice to the Chief Executive under Article 7.03 of the Council’s Constitution that he wished to resign from the office of Leader of the Council with effect from this Adjourned Annual Council meeting. The reason for his resignation was that he no longer represented the largest political group on the Council, and the Political Conventions provide that the Leader of the Council shall be drawn from the largest political group.
The effect of his resignation as per Article 7.06 of the Council’s Constitution was that all serving Cabinet Members also cease to hold office with effect from the date a new Leader is appointed to office and he/she appoints a new Cabinet.
At this point, Councillors Parry and P. Dowd expressed thanks to Councillor Robertson for the able manner in which he had undertaken the duties of Leader of the Council over a number of years.
It was then moved by Councillor Moncur, seconded by Councillor Maher and
That Councillor P. Dowd as the Leader of the Labour Group (the largest political group on the Council) be appointed as the Leader of the Council for a period of four years or until such time as his term of office expires.
It was moved by Councillor Blackburn, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That Councillor Robertson as the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group (the largest political group on the Council) be appointed as the Leader of the Council for a period of four years or until such time as his term of office expires.