Further to Minute No. 62 of the Cabinet meeting held on 8 July 2010, the Council considered the joint report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director and the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy on the proposed operation of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Scheme which became a statutory requirement with effect from 1 April 2010.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillors Brodie-Browne and
That Part 3 of the Council Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) be amended to enable the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy or, the Section 151 Officer to have delegated powers to act as the CRC Responsible person, to enable trading of Carbon Allowances using General Fund resources, and to sign off all future Carbon declarations and claims made through the Scheme to the Department for Energy and Climate Change.
Further to Minute No. 23 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Regeneration held on 7 July 2010, the Cabinet considered the joint report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director and the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy on the proposed operation of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Scheme which became a statutory requirement with effect from 1 April 2010.
(1) approval be given for the first year of Carbon trading (2011/12), to adopt the approach of funding corporately, any penalty or reward arising from the CRC Scheme, with a view to allowing Officers time to consider future options for the distribution of penalties and rewards. These would be the subject of a further report to Members at the appropriate time;
(2) Officers undertake a scoping exercise to explore the skills and support required to enable future market trading of Carbon Allowances; and
(3) the Council be recommended to give approval to a change to the Council's Constitution granting delegated authority to the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy or, if a different person, the Officer acting in a Section 151 capacity, to act as the CRC Responsible person, to enable trading of Carbon Allowances using General Fund resources, and to sign off all future carbon declarations and claims made through the Scheme to the Department for Energy and Climate Change.
Further to Minute No.11 of the meeting of Cabinet Member – Environmental held on 30 June 2010, the Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director and the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy seeking the approval of policy decisions on the operation of the Carbon Reduction Scheme (the Scheme) which became legislation on 1 April 2010; in particular seeking approval of constitutional changes that were required to enable the Council to operate the Scheme within the law and to discuss briefly, the treatment of potential 'Penalties' or 'Rewards' arising from it; and to update Members on developments regarding the Scheme.
(1) the report on the Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme be noted;
(2) Cabinet be requested to recommend the Council to change the Council's Constitution, delegating authority to the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy or, if a different person, the Officer acting in a Section 151 capacity, to act as the CRC responsible person, to enable trading of Carbon Allowances using General Fund resources and to sign off all future Carbon declarations and claims made through the Scheme to the Department for Energy and Climate Change; and
(3) Cabinet be recommended to:-
(i) agree for the first year of Carbon trading (2011/12), to adopt the approach of funding corporately, any penalty or reward arising from the CRC scheme, with a view to allowing Officers time to consider future options for the distribution of penalties and rewards. These would be the subject of a further report to Members at the appropriate time; and
(ii) allow Officers scope to explore the skills and support required to enable future market trading of Carbon Allowances.
The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director and the Interim Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy seeking the approval of policy decisions on the operation of the Carbon Reduction Scheme (the Scheme) which became legislation on 1 April 2010; in particular seeking approval of constitutional changes that were required to enable the Council to operate the Scheme within the law and to discuss briefly, the treatment of potential 'Penalties' or 'Rewards' arising from it; and to update Members on developments regarding the Scheme.
(1) the report on the Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme be noted;
(2) Cabinet be requested to recommend the Council to change the Council's Constitution, delegating authority to the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT Strategy or, if a different person, the Officer acting in a Section 151 capacity, to act as the CRC responsible person, to enable trading of Carbon Allowances using General Fund resources and to sign off all future Carbon declarations and claims made through the Scheme to the Department for Energy and Climate Change; and
(3) Cabinet be recommended to:-
(i) agree for the first year of Carbon trading (2011/12), to adopt the approach of funding corporately, any penalty or reward arising from the CRC scheme, with a view to allowing Officers time to consider future options for the distribution of penalties and rewards. These would be the subject of a further report to Members at the appropriate time; and
(ii) allow Officers scope to explore the skills and support required to enable future market trading of Carbon Allowances.