Issue - decisions

Dog Fouling And Enforcement

16/07/2010 - Dog Fouling And Enforcement

Further to Minute No. 64 of the Cabinet meeting held on 8 July 2010, the Council considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director on the draft Leisure and Tourism Enforcement Policy for Coast, Countryside, Paths and Open Spaces.  The report also sought the delegation of powers to the Leisure and Tourism Director in respect of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillors Brodie-Browne and




That Part 3 of the Council Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) be amended by the inclusion of the following text:




Cabinet Member



E. Leisure and Tourism Director


‘Power to appoint authorised officers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005’”

13/07/2010 - Dog Fouling And Enforcement

Further to Minute No. 109 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism held on 21 April 2010 and Minute No. 12 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Environmental held on 30 June 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director on the draft Leisure and Tourism Enforcement Policy for Coast, Countryside, Parks and Open Spaces.  The report also sought the delegation of powers to the Leisure and Tourism Director in respect of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005,


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.




(1)       the Leisure and Tourism Enforcement Policy for Coast, Countryside, Parks and Open Spaces be approved; and


(2)       the Council be recommended to give approval to the amendment of Part 3 of the Council's Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) by the addition of the following text:




            Cabinet Member



            E. Leisure and Tourism Director


            'Power to appoint authorised officers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005'"

30/06/2010 - Dog Fouling And Enforcement

Further to Minute No. 109 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism held on 21 April 2010 the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director seeking approval of a proposal to enhance the Council's ability to deal with issues relating to dog fouling and litter through a partnership approach between the Environmental and Technical Services and Leisure and Tourism Departments; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as Strategic Intelligence Assessments produced by the Sefton Safer Stronger Communities Partnership identified residents concerns about dog fouling and litter; that to enhance the Council's ability to deal with these issues additional personnel required authorisation and training; that the Council's Constitution would require amending to reflect the delegation of powers to the Leisure and Tourism Director on behalf of the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism in respect of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.




(1)      the proposal to develop a coordinated approach to dealing with dog fouling and litter be approved; and


(2)          Cabinet be requested to approve the draft Leisure and Tourism Policy and to recommend the Council to amend the Responsibility For Functions of the Constitution by addition of the following:




          Cabinet Member



          E. Leisure and Tourism Director


          'Power to appoint authorised Officers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005"'