Issue - decisions

Chief Executive's Departmental Service Plan 2010-11

14/09/2010 - Chief Executive's Departmental Service Plan 2010-11

 Further to Minute No. 15 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member – Performance and Governance held on 4 August 2010, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Chief Executive informing of her Departmental Service Plan for 2010 to 2011 and setting out the Annual Action Plans for this period as indicated in the Service Delivery Plan attached as an Annex to the report.


Members raised concerns regarding the measurement of community involvement by number of petitions received and requested that quality of community engagement could be measured by the number of community based meetings attended by Members.





the progress made on 2009/10 actions be noted; and



Subject to the comments made by Members regarding the development of more appropriate measurement for e-petitions, the intended action plans for 2010/2011 which are already underway be approved.



11/08/2010 - Chief Executive's Departmental Service Plan 2010-11

The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Chief Executive informing of her Departmental Service Plan for 2010 to 2011 and setting out the Annual Action Plans for this period as indicated in the Service Delivery Plan attached as an Annex to the report.





the progress made on 2009/10 actions be noted; and



the intended action plans for 2010/2011 which are already underway be approved.