Issue - decisions

Implementation of Local Land Charges (Amendment) Rules 2010 - Adjustment Of Income Targets

07/09/2010 - The Local Land Charges (Amendment) Rules 2010

Further to Minute No. 204 of the meeting held on 25 November 2009 and Minute No. 26 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Corporate Services held on 1 September 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Chief Executive on the publication and enactment of the Local Land Charges (Amendment) Rules 2010, which have revoked charges relating to personal searches of the Land Charges Register.




(1)      that the implications of the enactment of the above Rules on fee income be noted as a budget issue in this Financial year and future years;


(2)      the income targets for the Land Charges Section for the current year be noted; and


(3)      it be noted that officers will submit a further report on a fee charging regime for Land Searches, following a review of the current charging position, with the aim of bringing charges in line with the spirit of European legislation and with any Local Government Association guidance issued to Local Authorities.