Issue - decisions

Local Policing Issues

20/04/2011 - Local Policing Issues

Chief Constable Jon Murphy from Merseyside Police addressed the Cabinet on the current performance of the Merseyside Police Service and the budget savings to be made by the Police Authority for 2011/12 and subsequent years. Chief Superintendent Ian Pilling (Sefton Area Commander) then gave a presentation on the Area Police Performance during the period April 2010 to March 2011 and the previous twelve months period and, local initiatives undertaken with the Council and other partners.


The Chief Constable, Area Commander and Councillor Bill Weightman (Knowsley Council), Chair of Merseyside Police Authority then responded to questions from Members of the Cabinet on the following issues:-


·                 Terms and Conditions of Police Officers;

·                 Anti Social Behaviour Order Categories;

·                 Number of Police Officers in Merseyside and specifically in Sefton;

·                 Volunteer Speed Watch Schemes; and

·                 Provision of additional Police Access Points throughout Merseyside


The Cabinet thanked the Chief Constable, Area Commander and Councillor Weightman for attending the meeting and providing an update on Police activities in Sefton.




That the presentation be noted.