Issue - decisions

Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention Fund

21/12/2010 - Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention Fund

Further to Minute No. 150 of the Cabinet meeting held on 25 November 2010, the Council considered the report of the Strategic Director - Communities on proposals for the inclusion of a Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention provision within the Capital Programme to be funded from the proceeds of asset disposals, to address ongoing Property Management issues.


It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and




(1)            approval be given to the establishment of a £500,000 Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention provision within the Capital Programme to be funded and maintained from capital receipts derived from asset disposals; and


(2)            approval be given to the amendment of Part 3 of the Council Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) in order to give the management responsibility for the Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention provision to the Strategic Director - Communities, in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT.

26/11/2010 - Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention Fund

The Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director - Communities on proposals for the inclusion of a Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention provision within the Capital Programme, to be funded from the proceeds of asset disposals, to address ongoing property management issues.




That the Council be recommended to give approval to:


(1)      the establishment of a £500,000 Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention provision within the Capital Programme to be funded and maintained from capital receipts derived from asset disposals; and


(2)      the amendment of Part 3 of the Council Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) in order to give the management responsibility for the Strategic Asset Management Property Intervention provision to the Strategic Director - Communities, in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT.