Issue - decisions

Proposals for the Creation of a Single Registration Service for Births, Deaths and Marriages for Sefton

21/12/2010 - Proposals for the Creation of a Single Registration Service for Births, Deaths and Marriages for Sefton

Further to Minute No. 46 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism held on 1 December 2010, the Cabinet considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director that sought approval for the introduction of a single registration service for births, deaths and marriages.


RESOLVED:            That


(1)            approval, in principle, be given to the introduction of a single registration service for Sefton;


(2)            approval, in principle, be given to the adoption of 'New Governance' a General Register Office initiative in order to facilitate the single registration district and reduce regulation;


(3)       it be noted that due to Government regulation, the introduction of a single registration district and adoption of 'New Governance' are subject to final approval by the Registrar General; and


(4)       the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism and Sefton's Proper Officer for the Registration Service be authorised to progress matters with the General Register Office in order to bring the proposals into effect.

01/12/2010 - Proposals for the Creation of a Single Registration Service for Births, Deaths and Marriages for Sefton

The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director that sought approval for the introduction of a single registration service for births deaths and marriages.




(1)      the introduction of a single registration service for Sefton be approved in principle;


(2)      the adoption of ‘New Guidance’ a General Register Office initiative, in order to facilitate the single registration district and reduce regulation be approved in principle;


(3)      the Cabinet be requested to:


  1. approve, in principle, the introduction of a single registration service for Sefton;


  1. approve, in principle, the adoption of ‘New Governance’ a General Register Office initiative in order to facilitate the single registration district and reduce regulation;


  1. note that, due to Government regulation, the introduction of a single registration district and  adoption of ‘New Governance’ are subject to final approval by the Registrar General; and


  1. authorise the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism and Sefton’s Proper Officer for the Registration Service to progress matters with the General Register Office in order to bring the proposals into effect.