Issue - decisions

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Training

24/01/2011 - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Training

Further to Minute No. 26 (3) (i-iii) of 27 October 2008 and Minute No. 46 of 26 October 2009, the Committee considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director on the progress of the Driver Training Programme and steps taken to address the concerns raised by Trade Stakeholders about the sustainability of current funding arrangements.


The Trading Standards Manager introduced the report and answered questions thereon and the following points were made:


  • nationally the current funding streams for NVQ Level 2 had almost all been exhausted and were unlikely to be replenished meaning that driver training would no longer be subsidised;
  • the VRQ a ‘knowledge based’ qualification had been upgraded and improved nationally to a ‘certificate’ level 2 qualification;
  • the NVQ had attracted a lot of adverse comments – providers had let candidates down and one provider had had its accreditation removed and had ceased trading leaving drivers without certificates;
  • access to the VRQ/NVQ was still available via many providers and could be obtained at a cost of £150-£550
  • the existing policy had been adopted with the proviso that should support funding change then the matter would be referred back to the Licensing and Regulatory Committee
  • consultation with the Trade (respondents to the recent ‘Demand Survey’) had indicated that training was essential with typically 85% of respondents stating it should be compulsory.  Such training should include disability awareness and customer care
  • licensing conditions should remain at all times reasonable and justified and not act as a barrier to the industry or indeed force experienced drivers out of the profession.


The Trading Standards Manager indicated the proposal that the policy be amended as follows:


(a)   compulsory VRQ for all new applicants

(b)   for drivers licensed prior to November 2008 who were currently compelled to complete an NVQ by 2012, the requirement be changed to read VRQ to be completed by 31 December 2015;

(c)   maintain the current route knowledge test condition

(d)   the NVQ remaining acceptable in lieu of or in addition to the VRQ


The Trading Standards Manager concluded by stating that the revised proposals sought to minimise the burden on the trade whilst allowing the Council to pursue its aim of 100% professionally qualified hackney carriage and private hire driver base, but that should funding sources be exhausted then the matter would be referred back to the Committee for consideration.





the report be noted;



the Driver Training Policy be amended as follows:



compulsory VRQ for all new applicants;



Drivers licensed prior to November 2008, who are currently compelled to complete an NVQ by 2013, the requirement be changed to read VRQ to be completed by 2015;



maintain the current route knowledge test condition;



the NVQ to remain acceptable in lieu of or in addition to the VRQ; and



the Environmental and Technical Services Director be requested to submit a further update on Driver Training in October 2011.