Issue - decisions

Skills Funding Agency (SFA)/ European Social Fund (ESF) Provision (Greater Merseyside Provision for NEET ESF 2011 -2013 Youth Programme)

19/01/2011 - Skills Funding Agency (SFA)/ European Social Fund (ESF) Provision (Greater Merseyside Provision for NEET ESF 2011 -2013 Youth Programme)

The Cabinet Member considered the joint report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services and the Planning and Economic Development Director that provided information of the Greater Merseyside Provision for NEET (not in employment, education or training) ESF (European Social Fund) 2011–13 Youth Programme.




(1)      the Skills Funding Agency (SFA)/ European Social Fund (ESF) Provision (Greater Merseyside Provision for NEET ESF 2011–13 Youth Programme) report be noted; and


(2)      the Strategic Director Children, Schools and Families and the Planning and Economic Development Director be requested to draft further reports regarding the programme’s progress.