Issue - decisions

Bus / Taxi Framework Arrangement AWAITING FD NO.

12/04/2011 - Bus / Taxi Framework Arrangement

Further to Minute No. 37 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 10 June 2010, the Cabinet Member considered the report of the Operational Services Director, seeking approval to extend the current Bus Route Framework Agreement for an additional 12 months to September 2011, to coincide with the expiry of the Taxi Framework Agreement.  A procurement process had been undertaken via the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) in order to obtain prices for appropriate services required by the Council with effect from September 2011.


The report indicated that a decision on the matter was required to provide an ongoing service for the transportation of vulnerable residents by external bus and taxi companies and to enable the Council to effectively budget for such expenditure over the coming two years.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions.






the pricing framework procured through the tendering process be noted;



the Cabinet be recommended to approve the future use of this pricing framework; and



the Cabinet be recommended to permit the Specialist Transport Unit to plan and award routes accordingly in the most financially advantageous manner for the Council, using the new pricing framework, with effect from 1 September 2011.